Leveraging Highly Accelerated Life Testing for Aerospace Products

The margin for error is virtually nonexistent in the rapidly evolving aerospace sector. Aerospace products, from commercial satellites to advanced aircraft systems, must meet the highest standards of reliability and durability. This is where Highly Accelerated Life Testing (HALT) comes into play, offering a transformative approach to testing and ensuring the robustness of aerospace components before they even leave the ground.

HALT is a rigorous methodology designed to push aerospace products beyond their operational limits, identifying potential weaknesses and failure modes that traditional testing methods might miss. By subjecting aerospace products to extreme stress conditions—far beyond what they would encounter in their normal life span—HALT provides invaluable insights into the inherent durability and reliability of aerospace components.

The beauty of HALT lies in its ability to reveal the unknown. It accelerates the aging process, simulating years of wear and tear in a fraction of the time, thereby uncovering latent defects and vulnerabilities. This preemptive identification allows for critical design modifications and enhancements, significantly reducing the risk of costly failures and recalls post-launch.

For aerospace manufacturers, the implications of HALT are profound. It signifies a commitment to excellence and represents a strategic investment in the product’s lifecycle. By integrating HALT into the development process, aerospace companies can confidently navigate the complex landscape of product reliability, ensuring that their products are not just fit for purpose but are built to last.

Aerospace Testing Laboratory: Advancing Product Reliability with HALT

In the quest for unparalleled aerospace product reliability, our aerospace testing laboratory offers organizations the use of Highly Accelerated Life Testing (HALT) methodologies. HALT represents a commitment to excellence and a testament to our dedication to advancing aerospace technology.

The HALT process within our aerospace testing laboratory involves a series of accelerated stress tests, including rapid temperature cycling, 6 degrees of freedom random vibration tests at varying frequencies, and combined environment tests. These tests are designed to expose products to conditions far more severe than they would ever encounter in service. By doing so, Delserro Engineering Solutions can identify potential failure points and address them long before they become real-world issues.

Key Advantages of HALT in Our Aerospace Testing Laboratory:

  • Early Detection of Design Flaws: By applying stressors that exceed the normal operational limits, HALT helps uncover hidden weaknesses in product designs.
  • Cost-Efficiency: Identifying and rectifying potential failures before products hit the market significantly reduces the risk of costly recalls and brand damage.
  • Reduced Time to Market: Accelerated testing means faster validation of product robustness, enabling quicker transitions from design to production.
  • Customized Testing Strategies: Our aerospace testing laboratory tailors HALT protocols to match the specific requirements and challenges of each aerospace product.

Through the strategic application of HALT, our aerospace testing laboratory supports the industry’s continuous drive toward innovation and reliability. We help our clients achieve the highest standards of performance and dependability in their aerospace endeavors.

Embrace the future of aerospace product testing with us. Discover how our HALT methodologies can elevate your products’ reliability to new heights.

The Impact of HALT on Aerospace Testing and Product Integrity

Highly Accelerated Life Testing (HALT) has significantly influenced aerospace testing practices, leading to more resilient and reliable aerospace products. HALT extends beyond traditional testing methods by focusing on identifying potential failure modes early in the product development cycle.

The practical benefits of integrating HALT into aerospace testing include:

  • Early Detection and Rectification of Flaws: By pushing components beyond their operational limits, HALT helps uncover hidden weaknesses in the design and materials, allowing for early modifications.
  • Comprehensive Stress Testing: HALT subjects aerospace products to a variety of stressors, including extreme temperatures and vibrations, to ensure they can withstand a broad range of operational environments.
  • Support for Innovation: The rigorous demands of HALT encourage the exploration of new materials, designs, and manufacturing techniques, driving innovation in aerospace technology.
  • Risk Mitigation: Identifying potential issues before products reach the market minimizes the risk of costly recalls and enhances the overall safety of aerospace missions.
  • Streamlined Product Development: HALT can reduce the time required for product testing and validation.
  • Stakeholder Confidence: Demonstrating a commitment to thorough testing and product reliability helps build trust among manufacturers, regulatory agencies, and users.

HALT’s role in aerospace testing is to provide a practical, systematic approach to improving product reliability and integrity. It’s about making informed decisions based on comprehensive data. Through the application of HALT, the aerospace industry can achieve a balance between innovation and reliability.

Improve Your Aerospace Products with HALT

Adopting Highly Accelerated Life Testing (HALT) for your aerospace products is a strategic move toward securing a competitive edge in the aerospace industry. By incorporating HALT into your product development process, you’re committing to the highest standards of safety, durability, and performance.

Our aerospace testing laboratory is equipped with state-of-the-art HALT technology and a team of experienced engineers dedicated to helping you achieve excellence in product development. Our aerospace testing laboratory’s ISO/IEC 17025 and ISTA accreditation are a testament to our capability to execute tests that are both precise and reliable. We understand the unique challenges of the aerospace sector and are committed to providing tailored testing solutions that meet your specific needs.

In the dynamic field of aerospace, staying ahead means continually pushing the boundaries of what’s possible. Partner with Delserro Engineering Solutions to harness the power of HALT and take your aerospace products to new heights.

Contact us today to learn more about how we can support your journey toward unparalleled reliability and success in the aerospace industry.

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Medical Device Industry: Producing Reliable Products

medical device industry showing stethoscope and other devices

In the fast-evolving medical device industry, the pathway to market success is marked by stringent standards. Delserro Engineering Solutions (DES) plays a pivotal role in this journey, offering expert testing services for both medical devices and their packaging. Recognizing that each product—from intricate surgical instruments to complex diagnostic machinery—requires rigorous scrutiny, DES employs cutting-edge environmental, vibration, HALT, and shock testing in its state-of-the-art facilities.

The comprehensive range of tests at DES is designed to address the specific challenges faced by medical devices in real-world conditions. By simulating various environmental factors and stressors, DES ensures that both the device and its packaging maintain integrity and functionality throughout their lifecycle. This attention to detail is crucial in the medical device industry where precision is paramount, and the smallest oversight can have significant consequences.

Our team delves into the nuances of each project, partnering with manufacturers to understand their unique needs and challenges. This collaborative approach allows for customized testing solutions that cater to the diverse requirements of the medical device sector.

Medical Device Testing: Meeting Rigorous Standards with DES

The field of medical device testing necessitates strict adherence to a variety of industry standards to ensure compliance. At Delserro Engineering Solutions (DES), we pride ourselves on aligning our testing services with these critical standards, assuring that medical device packaging meets the highest benchmarks of quality and reliability.

  1. ISTA Compliance for Transportation Durability: As a certified testing laboratory, we conduct packaging tests that comply with International Safe Transit Association (ISTA) standards. These tests simulate the stress that packaging undergoes during transportation, ensuring that it can protect medical devices from damage due to shock, vibration, and other environmental factors.
  2. ASTM Standards for Material Quality: Adhering to ASTM D7386 and other ASTM standards, we evaluate the material quality of packaging, assessing its durability and resilience under various conditions. These tests are crucial for determining if the packaging can maintain the sterility and integrity of medical devices.
  3. ISO/IEC 17025 Accredited Testing: Our ISO/IEC 17025 accreditation signifies our technical competence in conducting standardized tests. This includes ensuring that medical device packaging meets specific environmental testing requirements crucial for maintaining product reliability throughout its lifecycle.
  4. MIL-STD Compliance for Military-Grade Assurance: For products that require a higher level of robustness, such as those used in military applications, we ensure compliance with Military Standards like MIL-STD-810 and MIL-STD-202. This ensures that products can withstand extreme environmental conditions and rough handling.
  5. Customized Testing Protocols: Beyond standard compliance, we offer customized testing solutions tailored to unique client specifications. Whether it’s assessing the resilience of packaging or devices under specific temperature conditions or evaluating its performance under unique mechanical stresses, our state-of-the-art facilities are equipped to handle diverse testing needs.

Navigating Challenges in Medical Device Package Testing

The journey from conception to market for medical devices is fraught with challenges, particularly when it comes to packaging. At Delserro Engineering Solutions (DES), we understand that the package is a crucial component that ensures device safety and efficacy during transit and storage.

With the medical device industry facing ever-tightening regulations, manufacturers must ensure their packaging can withstand a range of environmental stresses. DES’s medical device package testing services are designed to address these exacting standards, from simulating transportation conditions to mimicking the rigors of handling and storage.

Moreover, DES’s commitment to staying ahead in an evolving industry landscape means continuously updating our medical device package testing processes in line with the latest regulations and standards. Our laboratory’s ISO/IEC 17025 and ISTA accreditation are a testament to our capability to execute tests that are both precise and reliable. We engage with the latest industry practices, ensuring that our clients’ medical device packaging is robust, compliant, and above all, safe for the end-user.

Recognizing that off-the-shelf solutions do not fit all, our engineers work closely with clients to develop specialized medical device package testing plans that match the unique needs of their products. Whether it’s fine-tuning temperature cycles to match specific geographic journeys or tailoring shock tests for delicate components, DES ensures that every aspect of packaging is scrutinized and optimized for peak performance. This meticulous attention to detail ensures that when a medical device reaches its destination, it does so with its integrity unblemished and its functionality assured.

DES embraces the challenges of medical device package testing with a blend of accredited procedures, advanced technology, and customized service. By doing so, we ensure that our clients’ products are not only compliant but exemplify the highest standards of the medical device industry. Contact us to learn more about how we can address the specific testing needs for your medical device packaging.

Proven Expertise in the Medical Device Industry at DES

At Delserro Engineering Solutions (DES), our expertise in the medical device industry is more than just a claim—it’s a commitment. With over three decades of experience, DES has established itself as a leader in providing comprehensive testing solutions for both medical devices and their packaging. Our deep understanding of medical device industry standards positions us uniquely to help our clients navigate the complexities of product testing and compliance.

Our team of skilled engineers and technicians is dedicated to delivering results that surpass expectations. At DES, we understand that the medical device industry is rapidly evolving, and staying ahead means being equipped to adapt to new challenges. We offer personalized service, working closely with our clients to understand their specific needs and providing tailored solutions that align with their goals. This partnership approach has made us a trusted name among industry giants.

In the medical device industry, where precision, quality, and reliability are non-negotiable, DES stands as a beacon of excellence. We invite you to experience the DES difference—where quality testing leads to quality products.

Contact us today to learn how our expertise can enhance the reliability and market success of your medical devices.

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How to Make Your Product More Reliable Through Testing

At DES, we have tested many different kinds of products ranging from medical devices to aerospace products.  We have performed numerous reliability tests and developed numerous accelerated life test plans.  Many times, our customers ask us, “How do we make our products more reliable?”  There are analytical methods and processes that can be used to improve product reliability.  However, the focus of this article will be How To Make Your Product More Reliable Through Testing

Continue reading How to Make Your Product More Reliable Through Testing

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Delserro Engineering Solutions Featured in Assembly Magazine

Assembly Magazine logo

DES president Gary Delserro is featured in an article published in Assembly Magazine on July 9, 2021.  Titled “Accelerated Life Testing,” the article discusses different types of manufacturing life testing and quotes Gary with reference to highly accelerated life testing (HALT):

“Companies have reported savings in the millions after using HALT,” claims Delserro. “The test can accelerate a product’s aging process from actual months into test minutes, and it can help you discover weaknesses in your product during the design stage. Combined vibration, temperature and electrical stress variables, as well as internal fluid pressure, are typically used during HALT to induce failures and uncover fault points. By using combinations of loads, we can uncover design or manufacturing process flaws before they reach your customer.”

The entire article can be found on Assembly’s website

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Circuit Board HALT Testing Case Study

HALT Test Setup on Circuit Boards
HALT Test Setup on Circuit Boards

Customer Goal

A customer approached DES looking to perform Highly Accelerated Life Testing (HALT) on a new circuit board design.  DES and the customer agreed to test the circuit boards using DES’s traditional HALT test procedure which calls for hot/cold temperature steps followed by rapid temperature ramping, vibration steps and combined temperature and vibration stresses.  HALT testing on electrical componentry is quite common across industry to expose design weaknesses; both mechanical and electrical (What is HALT and Why Perform HALT?).  Typical failures include poor solder connections, overheating, component failure, etc. (What Kind Of Failures Occur During HALT?)

Continue reading Circuit Board HALT Testing Case Study

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Rapid HALT – A Cost Effective Alternative to HALT

Rapid Highly Accelerated Life Testing or Rapid HALT is a reliability test method that is used to expose product weaknesses.  A Rapid HALT procedure is a modification of a Classical HALT procedure.  For more information about Classical HALT procedures, refer to the following blog articles:

A Rapid HALT is an abbreviated HALT, typically one day of tests, making it a great cost-effective solution for those seeking faster qualitative results.  Exposing a product to a Rapid HALT early in the design process can help reduce product development time and cost by enabling manufacturers to identify flaws or areas of improvement before it’s too late.

Rapid HALT’s are a good tool for assessing the reliability of different suppliers of components but can also be used to assess the reliability of less complicated products.  For example, DES has performed Rapid HALT’s to evaluate the reliability of different suppliers of power supplies, cooling fans, and LED’s.  DES has also performed a Rapid HALT to study different fastening methods in order to determine which was more robust.

DES Rapid HALT Profile
Figure 1. DES Rapid HALT Profile

Continue reading Rapid HALT – A Cost Effective Alternative to HALT

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Cooling Fan Reliability Testing Case Study

Fan Reliability Testing Case StudyCustomer Challenge

A customer approached DES looking to find an accelerated test solution for an AC powered cooling fan used in one of their products.  The product had been established in the marketplace and the company was now looking for ways to reduce cost by looking at different cooling fan suppliers.  Most fans, however, have a mean life rated for over 20,000 hours, so a typical accelerated life test would require a significant amount of time and money. 

Continue reading Cooling Fan Reliability Testing Case Study

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What Kind Of Failures Occur During HALT?

Product failures in HALT testing are defined as either the cessation of any functions or an out-of-specification condition for any performance characteristic. When a failure occurs, it is documented in DES’s HALT log. The exact time and test condition when each failure occurred is noted.

If the product fails to operate, the temperature or vibration will be changed toward ambient room conditions followed by a short dwell period to see if the product recovers. If the product is non-operational after dwelling at ambient conditions, trouble shooting will take place to find the failed component. The failed component will then be removed, repaired or replaced with a new component (as is practical) in an effort to expand the test stresses.

Relevant Failures

Figure 1 - Failure of Improperly Designed Mounting Tabs
Figure 1 – Failure of Improperly Designed Mounting Tabs

Continue reading What Kind Of Failures Occur During HALT?

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What Equipment Is Used For HALT?

HALT Chambers

Figure 1 - DES’s HALT Chambers
Figure 1 – DES’s HALT Chambers

Specialized test chambers are needed to perform a HALT. Typical HALT chambers are shown in Figure 1. The specification for HALT chambers is typically the following:

Liquid nitrogen (LN2) is used to cool the air temperature in HALT chambers. This allows for very rapid temperature changes of 60°C per minute and a cold temperature extreme of -100°C.

HALT chamber heating is provided by high power resistive heating elements that can produce changes of 60°C per minute and a hot temperature limit of +200°C.

Continue reading What Equipment Is Used For HALT?

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What Is A Typical HALT Procedure?

HALT procedures vary from lab to lab but are typically performed similar to DES’s procedure which is summarized below. DES’s HALT procedure is divided into 5 Stages: Stage 1 – Temperature Step Stresses, Stage 2 – Temperature Ramps, Stage 3 – Vibration Step Stresses, Stage 4 – Combined Temperature &Vibration Stresses, and Stage 5 – Temperature Destruct Limits.

Stage 1 is used to determine the HALT Operational Limits for temperature. The goal is not to cause destruction in Stage 1, but sometimes the operational and destruct limits occur simultaneously. The HALT Destruct Limits for temperature and vibration are typically found in Stages 3 to 5.

Temperature Step Stresses – Stage 1 (Figure 1)

Figure 1. Stage 1 Temperature Steps
Figure 1 – Stage 1 Temperature Steps

Continue reading What Is A Typical HALT Procedure?

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