Advanced Acceleration Testing Lab for MIL-STD-810 Standards

MIL-STD 810, Method 513 Acceleration Testing is performed to evaluate whether products can withstand steady state inertia loads and the effects of acceleration forces.  It is also used to ensure that material does not break apart and become hazardous after exposure to crash inertia loads. The acceleration testing lab ensures that materials do not break apart and become hazardous after exposure to crash inertia loads. Inertia loading is also commonly referred to as G force.  Typical applications for MIL-STD-810 Acceleration Testing are for products installed in helicopters, aircraft, aerospace vehicles, and missiles.  The latest revision is Method 513.8 from MIL-STD-810H.

Some of the Failures caused by Acceleration Forces are:

  • Structural deflections that interfere with operation
  • Permanent deformation, structural cracks, and fractures
  • Broken fasteners and supports that result in loose parts within products
  • Broken mounting hardware that results in loose material within an assembly
  • Electronic circuit boards that short out and circuits that open up
  • Inductances and capacitances that change value
  • Relays that open or close
  • Actuators and other mechanisms that bind
  • Seals that leak
  • Pressure and flow regulators that change value
  • Pumps that cavitate
  • Spools in servo valves that are displaced causing erratic control system response

DES is the right choice for MIL-810 Acceleration testing.  DES has extensive experience performing acceleration testing and has a state-of-the-art centrifuge capable of performing MIL-STD-810 Acceleration testing. 

Comprehensive MIL-STD-810 Acceleration Testing Lab

MIL-STD-810 acceleration testing lab services are essential for products subjected to high acceleration environments. Delserro Engineering Solutions (DES) is equipped with the expertise and state-of-the-art centrifuge to perform these rigorous tests.

The product is mounted on a fixture using hardware that is normally used in its service installation.   The fixture is then mounted to DES’s centrifuge. If it is an operational test, the device under test is powered and monitored through DES’s slip rings. The centrifuge is brought up to the speed required to induce the specified G level.  The G force is maintained for at least one minute after the centrifuge rpm has stabilized. The testing is performed in six directions (1 positive and 1 negative direction along 3 orthogonal axes). 

Upon completion of the acceleration test, DES will promptly deliver a detailed test report that includes acceleration plots, test observations & results, color pictures of the setup and color pictures of any failures.

Procedures in MIL-STD-810 Acceleration Testing:

  1. Procedure I – Structural Test.  This procedure is used to demonstrate that items will structurally withstand the inertia loads induced by in-service accelerations.  The test item is non-operational.   
  2. Procedure II – Operational Test.  Procedure II is meant to evaluate whether devices will operate properly while being subjected to a specified G-level.
  3. Procedure III – Crash Hazard Acceleration Test.  Procedure III is intended to verify that material will not fail and break apart during a crash, becoming hazardous to equipment or personnel. This is a critical aspect of MIL-STD-810 Acceleration Testing.
  4. Procedure IV – Strength Test.  Procedure IV is an alternative to acceleration testing.  It is suitable for testing relatively stiff components, electronics boxes, instruments, or space vehicles.  It is performed as a sine burst test in which the test article is subjected to a few cycles of sinusoidal input below its first resonant frequency to expose the hardware to a quasi-static loading.

DES: Reliable MIL-STD-810 Testing

When it comes to MIL-STD-810 Acceleration Testing, selecting the right laboratory is crucial for accurate and reliable results. DES stands out for several reasons:

  • DES has run numerous MIL-STD-810 Method 513.8 Acceleration tests for military manufacturers
  • DES’s lab is A2LA accredited to MIL-STD-810, Method 513 Acceleration Testing
  • DES has a state-of-the-art centrifuge with many slip ring lines to power and monitor operation of a product’s data transmission and RF transmission. 

Contact us today to discuss your MIL-STD-810 testing with one of our engineers. 

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MIL-STD-810 Salt Fog Testing

MIL-STD 810, Method 509 Salt Fog Testing is performed to evaluate the effectiveness of protective coatings and finishes on materials, ingress of moisture into connectors and sealed components.  Salt Fog Testing does not correlate to field life, but it provides an indication of potential problem areas associated with exposure to the salt (marine) environment.  The latest revision is Method 509.7 from MIL-STD-810H.

Ensuring Durability with Comprehensive Corrosion Testing

Salt is one of the most pervasive substances in the world, found in oceans, the atmosphere, ground surfaces, lakes, and rivers. It is impossible to avoid. Performing corrosion testing to exacting standards is crucial for product durability. Exposure to a salt corrosive atmosphere can lead to several detrimental effects, including:

Corrosion Effects

  • Corrosion due to electrochemical reaction
  • Accelerated stress corrosion
  • Formation of acidic/alkaline solutions following salt ionization in water

Electrical Effects

  • Impairment of electrical material due to salt deposits
  • Production of conductive coatings
  • Corrosion of insulating materials and metals

Physical Effects

  • Clogging or binding of moving parts of mechanical components and assemblies
  • Blistering of paint because of electrolysis

MIL-STD-810 Salt Fog Testing Procedures

MIL-STD-810 Salt Fog Testing is performed in a specially constructed chamber.  DES has one of the leading brands of a salt fog testing chambers.  MIL-STD-810 requires a 5% (±1%) by weight salt solution dissolved in water with a pH between 6.5 to 7.2.  The salt solution is atomized into the chamber as a fine wet salt fog or mist while the air temperature in the chamber is maintained at 35 ±2 °C (95 ±3.6 °F).   Two collection receptacles are placed inside of the chamber to measure the salt fog fallout rate.  The fallout rate is required to be 1 to 3 ml per hour for each 80 cm2 of horizontal collecting area. 

Test samples should be configured and oriented as they would normally be stored, shipped, or used.  The recommended duration is 48 hours of salt fog exposure followed by 48 hours of drying in ambient air with less than 50% humidity.  An alternating 24 hour test cycle (24 fog, 24 drying, 24 fog, 24 drying) has proven to be more destructive and is the way the MIL-STD-810 Salt Fog Test is most commonly run.  After the test, the samples are inspected for physical, electrical and corrosion effects.

Choose DES for Unmatched Salt Fog Testing Expertise

Choosing DES for your salt fog testing needs ensures:

  • Accredited Lab: DES is an accredited MIL-STD-810 test lab.
  • Experience: We have performed numerous MIL-STD-810 salt fog tests.
  • State-of-the-Art Equipment: DES has advanced salt fog testing equipment.
  • Precision: We possess the required calibrated support instruments to accurately measure the pH and salt solutions required in MIL-STD-810.

Contact us today to discuss your MIL-STD-810 testing project with one of our engineers. 

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MIL-STD-810 Humidity Testing

MIL-STD-810, Method 507 Humidity Testing applies to items that are stored or deployed in warm, humid atmospheres.  The purpose of Method 507 Humidity Testing is to determine a product’s resistance to warm, humid environments.  It is intended to provide an indication of potential problems associated with humidity.  MIL-STD-810 Humidity testing provides stressful conditions intended to reveal potential problem areas in material.  It does not attempt to duplicate the complex temperature/humidity environment.  The latest revision is Method 507.6 from MIL-STD-810H.

MIL-STD-810 Method 507 Humidity Testing consists of two procedures, Procedure I – Induced and Natural Cycles and Procedure II – Aggravated.

Adapting to Humid Environments: MIL-STD-810 Testing

Procedure I contains three natural cycles for test items that are open to the environment and three induced (storage and transit) cycles.  The natural humidity cycles are Constant high humidity (Cycle B1), Cyclic high humidity (Cycle B2), and Hot-humid (Cycle B3).  The induced (storage and transit) cycles are Induced constant high humidity (Cycle B1), Induced variable – high humidity (Cycle B2), and Induced hot-humid (Cycle B3). 

Constant high humidity (Cycle B1) represents conditions in heavily forested tropical regions where nearly constant temperature and humidity prevails during rainy and wet seasons with little solar radiation exposure.  Cyclic high humidity (Cycle B2) conditions occur in tropical areas where solar radiation is a factor.  Hot-humid (Cycle B3) is unique to materiel that is deployed specifically in the Persian Gulf or Red Sea regions.  It is not to be used as a substitute for worldwide exposure requirements where B1 or B2 would apply. 

Induced constant high humidity (Cycle B1) is defined as a humid environment with relative humidity above 95 percent with nearly constant 27 °C (80 °F) temperature for periods of a day or more.  Induced variable – high humidity (Cycle B2) conditions occur when material in the cyclic high humidity environment category receives heat from solar radiation with little or no cooling air.  Induced hot-humid (Cycle B3) exists when items in the hot -humid category receive heat from solar radiation with little or no cooling air. 

The test durations for Procedure I are listed in Table 507.6-II from MIL-STD-810H.

high humidity environments table from mil std 810h standard

Procedure II – Aggravated contains more extreme temperature and humidity levels than those found in nature but requires shorter durations.  The advantage of Procedure II is that it produces the effects of temperature-humidity faster than the natural or induced procedures identifying potential problems quicker.  The aggravated 24 hour temperature-humidity cycle from MIL-STD-810H is shown in Figure 507.6-7.  Although the combined 60 °C (140 °F) and 95 percent RH does not occur in nature, this combination of temperature and relative humidity has historically proven to reveal potential defects in most material.  The minimum number of 24-hour aggravated cycles for the test is ten preceded by a 24 hour preconditioning step. 

humidity environments chart showing aggravated temperature-humidity cycle

High Humidity Environment Failures

What are some failures that occur from High Temperature and High Humidity environments?

  • Oxidation and/or galvanic corrosion of metals.
  • Increased chemical reactions.
  • Chemical or electrochemical breakdown of organic and inorganic surface coatings.
  • Changes in friction coefficients, resulting in binding or sticking.
  • Swelling of materials due to sorption effects.
  • Loss of physical strength.
  • Changes to electrical and thermal insulating characteristics.
  • De-lamination of composite materials.
  • Changes in elasticity or plasticity.
  • Degradation of optical element image transmission quality.
  • Degradation of lubricants.
  • Condensation resulting in electrical short circuits.
  • Fogging of optical surfaces.

The is a partial list of potential failures due to high temperature and high humidity environments. These issues underscore the critical need for rigorous and comprehensive humidity testing.

Why Choose DES for Your Humidity Testing?

Choosing the right testing lab for humidity testing can significantly impact the reliability and market readiness of your products. Delserro Engineering Solutions (DES) has a history of serving leading aerospace and military manufacturers as well as having state-of-the-art chambers to replicate the most demanding humid environments.

Why choose DES for your Humidity Testing?

  • DES is an accredited MIL-STD 810 test lab.
  • We have extensive experience and have performed numerous MIL-STD-810 humidity tests. 
  • DES has multiple chambers capable of performing MIL-STD-810, Method 507 Humidity Testing. 
  • DES has performed many MIL-STD-810 tests for leading aerospace and military product manufacturers. 

If your product is required to function in the tropics or in high-humidity environments, contact DES to obtain a free quote and to schedule a MIL-STD-810 humidity test today.

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MIL-STD-810 Solar (Sunshine) Radiation Testing

The purpose of MIL-STD 810, Method 505 Solar Radiation Testing is to evaluate the heating effects of solar radiation on materiel and to identify the actinic (ultraviolet photo degradation) effects of exposure to solar radiation.  The latest revision for radiation testing is Method 505.7 from MIL-STD-810H.

Solar Heating can cause some of the following failures:

  • Jamming or loosening of moving parts.
  • Weakening of solder joints and glued parts.
  • Changes in strength and elasticity.
  • Loss of calibration or malfunction of linkage devices.
  • Loss of seal integrity.
  • Changes in electrical or electronic components.
  • Premature actuation of electrical contacts.
  • Changes in characteristics of elastomers and polymers.
  • Blistering, peeling, and de-lamination of paints, composites, and surface laminates.
  • Softening of potting compounds.
  • Pressure variations.
  • Sweating of composite materials.
  • Difficulty in handling.

Solar Radiation can cause additional failures such as:

  • Fading of labels, fabric, and plastic color.
  • Chalking and fading of paints.
  • Deterioration of plastics through photochemical reactions initiated by shorter wavelength radiation.

MIL-STD-810H Tests for Solar Radiation

MIL-STD-810 Method 505 Solar Radiation has two procedures: Procedure I Cycling and Procedure II Steady State.

Procedure I is meant to investigate the effects of heat produced by solar radiation by exposing products to 24-hour cycles of simulated solar radiation at realistic maximum levels typical throughout the world.  It contains two 24-hour cycles to choose from, A1 and A2.  Category A1 represents the hottest conditions in the most extreme month at the most severe locations throughout the world that experience high temperatures accompanied by high levels of solar radiation.  Category A2 represents less severe conditions at locations that experience high temperatures accompanied by high levels of solar radiation, winds, and moderately low humidity, namely, the most southerly parts of Europe, most of the Australian continent, south central Asia, northern and eastern Africa, coastal regions of north Africa, southern parts of the US, and most of Mexico.  The minimum duration for either cycle is three.  If the maximum peak response temperature from the previous 24-hour cycle is not reached during three cycles, continue cycling until repeated peak temperatures are reached, or for seven cycles, whichever comes first. 

Procedure II is used to evaluate the actinic or photo degradation effects when items are exposed to long periods of sunshine.  It uses intensified solar loading to accelerate actinic effects.  Procedure II produces an acceleration factor of approximately 2.5 times the solar energy experienced in one 24-hour (natural) diurnal cycle plus a 4-hour lights-off period to allow for alternating thermal stressing.  The recommended minimum durations for Procedure II are (10) 24-hour cycles for products that are occasionally used outdoors and (56) 24-hour cycles for products continuously exposed to outdoor conditions. 

Consider the following when determining which procedure and MIL-STD 810H test levels to use for solar radiation testing:

  1. The operational purpose of the test item.
  2. The anticipated areas of deployment.
  3. The test item configuration.
  4. The anticipated exposure circumstances (use, transportation, storage, etc.).
  5. The expected duration of exposure to solar radiation.
  6. The expected problem areas within the test item.

Solar (Sunshine) Testing under MIL-STD-810

Choose DES for your solar (sunshine) testing because:

  • DES is an accredited MIL-STD 810H test lab.
  • We have performed numerous MIL-STD-810H tests for solar radiation. 
  • DES has state-of-the-art solar testing equipment. 

Contact us today to discuss your MIL-STD-810 testing project with one of our engineers. 

DES Advanced Solar Radiation Testing Services

Choosing the right solar radiation testing service is crucial for assessing the durability and longevity of products under solar exposure. DES provides leading-edge solutions in radiation testing, ensuring that your products meet all necessary MIL-STD-810 standards for solar exposure. Our accreditation to MIL-STD-810 and advanced equipment underscore our capability to simulate the effects of solar radiation comprehensively. Engage with our experts to leverage DES’s deep industry knowledge and cutting-edge facilities for your next project.

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MIL-STD-810 Temperature Shock Testing

Method 503 in MIL-STD-810 covers procedures for temperature shock or thermal shock testing.  Temperature shock testing (as defined in MIL-STD-810H) is a rapid change in air temperature greater than 10°C (18°F) per minute.  Temperature shock testing is used to determine if products can withstand sudden changes in the surrounding temperature environment without experiencing physical damage or deterioration in performance.   The latest revision is Method 503.7 from MIL-STD-810H.

Some of the Effects of Temperature Shock Environments are:

  • Shattering of glass and optical material.
  • Binding or slackening of moving parts.
  • Differential contraction or expansion rates or induced strain rates of dissimilar materials.
  • Deformation or fracture of components.
  • Cracking of surface coatings.
  • Leaking of sealed compartments.
  • Failure of insulation protection.
  • Changes in electrical and electronic components.
  • Electronic or mechanical failures due to frost formation.

Method 503 Has One Procedure with Four Variations:

  1. Procedure I-A – One-way Shock(s) from Constant Extreme Temperature
    This procedure is for material that is only rarely exposed to thermal shock in one direction.  At least one shock is performed from low to high temperature, or vice versa. 
  2. Procedure I-B – Single Cycle Shock from Constant Extreme Temperature.  For items that are exposed to only one thermal shock cycle (one in each direction).  One shock is performed from low-to-high temperature (or vice versa) and then one shock in the opposite direction.
  3. Procedure I-C – Multi-Cycle Shocks from Constant Extreme Temperature.  A minimum of three shocks are performed at each condition, i.e., three transfers from cold to hot, three transfers from hot to cold, and a stabilization period after each transfer. 
  4. Procedure I-D – Shocks to or from Controlled Ambient Temperature.  Procedure I-D follows the durations of Procedures I-A to I-C, except all shocks are to and/or from controlled ambient temperatures. 

Test levels for MIL-STD-810 Temperature Shock Testing 

Consider the following typical conditions from MIL-STD-810H:

  1. Aircraft flight exposure. For materiel exposed to desert or tropical ground heat with possible direct solar heating, then, immediately afterwards, exposed to the extreme low temperatures associated with high altitude.  The item could be subjected to multiple thermal shocks occurring in multiple missions. 
  2. Air delivery – desert. For products that are delivered over desert terrain from unheated, high altitude aircraft, then exposed to hot ambient air temperature (no solar loading).
  3. Ground transfer – ambient to or from either cold regions or desert. For items that move from a controlled ambient indoor environment or enclosure to a cold region or desert environment.

For MIL-STD-810 temperature shock testing, the transfer time between the temperatures should be within one minute.  The test sample is soaked for as long as necessary to ensure a uniform temperature throughout at least its outer portions.  If the Life Cycle Environmental Profile indicates a duration less than that required to achieve stabilization, this duration should be used.  If the critical point of interest is near the surface of the item, a shorter duration may apply rather than complete stabilization of the item.

H4: Choosing DES for MIL-STD-810 Temperature Shock Testing

When it comes to MIL-STD-810 Temperature Shock Testing, selecting the right laboratory is crucial for accurate and reliable results. DES stands out for several reasons:

  • DES has run numerous MIL-STD-810 Method 503.7 Temperature Shock tests for many military manufacturers
  • DES’s lab is A2LA accredited to MIL-STD-810, Method 503 Temperature Shock Testing
  • DES has multiple chambers capable of performing MIL-STD-810 Temperature Shock compliance testing

Contact us today to discuss your MIL-STD-810 testing with one of our engineers. 

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MIL-STD-810 Low Temperature Testing

MIL-STD 810, Method 502 Low Temperature Testing is used to evaluate the effects of low temperatures on cold storage, operation, and manipulation.  Method 502 is applicable for testing products that will be exposed to cold temperatures during their life cycle.  The latest revision is Method 502.7 from MIL-STD-810H.

MIL-STD-810 low temperature testing is not intended to simulate a high altitude, low temperature environment associated with an unpressurized aircraft at altitude.  However, it may be used in combination with Method 500.6 to simulate a high altitude, low temperature environment. 

Some of the Effects of Low Temperature Environments are:

  • Hardening and embrittlement of materials.
  • Binding of parts from differential contraction of dissimilar materials.
  • Loss of lubrication and lubricant flow due to increased viscosity.
  • Changes in electronic components (resistors, capacitors, etc.).
  • Changes in performance of transformers and electromechanical components.
  • Stiffening of shock mounts.
  • Cracking, change in impact strength, and reduced strength.
  • Effects due to condensation and freezing of water in or on the materiel.

Method 502 Has Three Procedures Starting with Low Temperature Storage:

  1. Procedure I – Storage.  Procedure I is used to evaluate products that are stored at Low temperatures.  After the Low temperature storage test is completed, an operational test at ambient conditions is performed. 
  2. Procedure II – Operation.  Procedure II is used to determine how well an item will operate in low temperature environments.  Operation during this procedure assumes minimum contact by personnel.
  3. Procedure III – Manipulation.  Manipulation is used to investigate the ease with which the materiel can be assembled, operated, and disassembled by personnel wearing heavy, cold-weather clothing. In addition, this could also include maintenance procedures. 

Low Temperature Test Parameters and Procedures Under MIL-STD-810 

First, identify the Low temperature test parameters and applicable procedures. DES can help determine the appropriate low temperature test conditions based on the equipment’s intended use.  Consider the following cold temperatures in various world-wide locations from Table 502.7-I. (MIL-STD-810H):

Design TypeLocationAmbient Air Temperature oC(oF)Induced Environment Temperature
(Storage & Transit)
Basic Cold (C1)Most of Europe; Northern contiguous US; Costal Canada; High-Latitude coasts (e.g., southern coast of Alaska); High elevations in lower latitudes-21 to -32
(-5 to -25)
-25 to -33
(-13 to -28)
Cold (C2)Canada, Alaska (excluding the interior); Northern Scandinavia; Northern Asia (some areas), High Elevations (Northern and Southern Hemispheres); Alps; Himalayas; Andes-37 to -46
(-35 to -50)
-37 to -46
(-35 to -50)
Severe Cold (C3)Interior of Alaska; Yukon (Canada); Interior of Northern Canadian Islands; Greenland ice cap; Northern Asia-51
Source: Table 502.7-I. (MIL-STD-810H)

The recommended test duration from MIL-STD-810H is four hours after stabilization for nonhazardous or non-safety-related (non-life-support type) material.  Munitions, rubber and plastics may continue to deteriorate following low temperature stabilization.  For these items, a minimum duration of 72 hours following temperature stabilization is recommended.  For restrained glass, ceramics, and glass-type products (such as those used in optical systems, laser systems, and electronic systems) a minimum storage period of 24 hours following temperature stabilization is recommended. 

Advantages of MIL-STD-810H Low Temperature Testing with DES:

DES excels in MIL-STD-810H Low Temperature Testing. With our lab’s accreditation and equipped with advanced temperature chambers, we ensure your equipment meets the cold-weather performance standards required by MIL-STD-810H.  Some of the reasons that DES is trusted by many companies for MIL-STD-810H Low Temperature Testing are:

  • DES has extensive experience running MIL-STD-810 Method 502.7 Low Temperature tests
  • DES’s lab is A2LA accredited to MIL-STD-810, Method 502 Low Temperature Testing
  • DES is trusted by many military manufacturers to perform their testing
  • DES has numerous temperature chambers capable of performing MIL-STD-810 Low temperature compliance testing

Contact us today to discuss testing your product in our MIL-STD-810 accredited Test Laboratory. 

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MIL-STD-810 Low Pressure (Altitude) Testing

In the demanding realms of aerospace and defense, ensuring that products can withstand the rigors of high-altitude environments is paramount. MIL-STD 810 is a Department of Defense Test Standard for environmental engineering considerations and laboratory tests.  Method 500 in MIL-STD-810 defines procedures for low-pressure (altitude) testing.  The latest revision of this method is 500.6 from MIL-STD-810H.

Altitude Testing Services at Delserro Engineering Solutions

At Delserro Engineering Solutions, our altitude testing services are designed to meet the rigorous demands of the aerospace and defense industries. By employing the comprehensive procedures outlined in MIL-STD-810H Method 500.6, we ensure that every product undergoes thorough low pressure testing under simulated high-altitude conditions. The altitude test chambers at Delserro Engineering Solutions (DES) can meet the requirements of MIL-STD-810H (and previous revisions) accurately ensuring that products are not just compliant but are primed for operational excellence.

MIL-STD-810 altitude testing services are tailored to products that:

  1. Operate or are stored at significant elevations.
  2. Experience pressurized or unpressurized conditions in aircraft.
  3. Could undergo rapid or explosive decompression.
  4. Are externally mounted on aircraft and exposed to extreme conditions.

Method 500 is not intended for items that are installed or operated in space vehicles, aircraft, or missiles that fly at altitudes above 21,300 m (70,000 ft). 

The following are typical failures that could occur from products used in a high altitude (low pressure) environment:

  1. Leakage of gases or fluids from gasket-sealed enclosures
  2. Deformation, rupture, or explosion of sealed containers
  3. Change in physical and chemical properties of low-density materials
  4. Overheating of materiel due to reduced heat transfer
  5. Evaporation of lubricants
  6. Erratic starting and operation of engines
  7. Failure of hermetic seals
  8. Erratic operation or malfunction of materiel resulting from arcing or corona

MIL-STD-810 Method 500.6 Insights for Low Pressure Testing

MIL-STD-810 Method 500.6 has four procedures:

  1. Procedure I – Storage/Air Transport. Procedure I is for testing material that is transported or stored at high ground elevations or transported by air in its shipping/storage configuration.
  2. Procedure II – Operation/Air Carriage. Procedure II is used to test the performance of products operated at high altitudes.  It may be preceded by Procedure I.
  3. Procedure III – Rapid Decompression.  Procedure III is for determining if a rapid decrease in cabin pressure will cause a failure or malfunction that would endanger nearby personnel the ground vehicle or the aircraft in which it is being transported.
  4. Procedure IV – Explosive Decompression. Procedure IV is similar to Procedure III except that it involves an instantaneous decrease in pressure.

How is MIL-STD-810 Low Pressure Testing performed?  First, it is necessary to determine the test parameters such as test altitude (pressure) and temperature, rate of change of pressure (and temperature if appropriate), duration of exposure, and test item configuration based upon the Life Cycle Environmental Profile.  Once the parameters are defined, low pressure testing is performed by placing the specimen in a specialized chamber that simulates altitude by controlling pressure and temperature.  Upon completion of the altitude test, DES will promptly deliver a detailed test report that includes the customer’s name and address, the test dates, a summary of the test procedure, equipment & measuring system calibration information, plots of altitude and temperature, test observations & results, color pictures of the altitude test setup and color pictures of any failures. 

Why Choose DES for MIL-STD-810 Low Pressure (Altitude) Testing

  • A2LA Accreditation: Our laboratory’s accreditation is a testament to our commitment to quality and excellence in environmental testing.  DES is A2LA accredited to MIL-STD-810 Low Pressure (Altitude) Testing.
  • Trusted by Industry Leaders: Our state-of-the-art testing facilities, experienced engineering team, and track record of success has made us the number one choice of top defense contractors.
  • Advanced Testing Capabilities: With equipment capable of simulating altitudes from below sea level to as high as 1,000,000 feet and temperatures ranging from -75°C to +150°C, we can accommodate a wide variety of testing requirements.

Contact us today to discuss how our altitude testing services can contribute to the success and reliability of your next project.

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Medical Device Industry: Producing Reliable Products

medical device industry showing stethoscope and other devices

In the fast-evolving medical device industry, the pathway to market success is marked by stringent standards. Delserro Engineering Solutions (DES) plays a pivotal role in this journey, offering expert testing services for both medical devices and their packaging. Recognizing that each product—from intricate surgical instruments to complex diagnostic machinery—requires rigorous scrutiny, DES employs cutting-edge environmental, vibration, HALT, and shock testing in its state-of-the-art facilities.

The comprehensive range of tests at DES is designed to address the specific challenges faced by medical devices in real-world conditions. By simulating various environmental factors and stressors, DES ensures that both the device and its packaging maintain integrity and functionality throughout their lifecycle. This attention to detail is crucial in the medical device industry where precision is paramount, and the smallest oversight can have significant consequences.

Our team delves into the nuances of each project, partnering with manufacturers to understand their unique needs and challenges. This collaborative approach allows for customized testing solutions that cater to the diverse requirements of the medical device sector.

Medical Device Testing: Meeting Rigorous Standards with DES

The field of medical device testing necessitates strict adherence to a variety of industry standards to ensure compliance. At Delserro Engineering Solutions (DES), we pride ourselves on aligning our testing services with these critical standards, assuring that medical device packaging meets the highest benchmarks of quality and reliability.

  1. ISTA Compliance for Transportation Durability: As a certified testing laboratory, we conduct packaging tests that comply with International Safe Transit Association (ISTA) standards. These tests simulate the stress that packaging undergoes during transportation, ensuring that it can protect medical devices from damage due to shock, vibration, and other environmental factors.
  2. ASTM Standards for Material Quality: Adhering to ASTM D7386 and other ASTM standards, we evaluate the material quality of packaging, assessing its durability and resilience under various conditions. These tests are crucial for determining if the packaging can maintain the sterility and integrity of medical devices.
  3. ISO/IEC 17025 Accredited Testing: Our ISO/IEC 17025 accreditation signifies our technical competence in conducting standardized tests. This includes ensuring that medical device packaging meets specific environmental testing requirements crucial for maintaining product reliability throughout its lifecycle.
  4. MIL-STD Compliance for Military-Grade Assurance: For products that require a higher level of robustness, such as those used in military applications, we ensure compliance with Military Standards like MIL-STD-810 and MIL-STD-202. This ensures that products can withstand extreme environmental conditions and rough handling.
  5. Customized Testing Protocols: Beyond standard compliance, we offer customized testing solutions tailored to unique client specifications. Whether it’s assessing the resilience of packaging or devices under specific temperature conditions or evaluating its performance under unique mechanical stresses, our state-of-the-art facilities are equipped to handle diverse testing needs.

Navigating Challenges in Medical Device Package Testing

The journey from conception to market for medical devices is fraught with challenges, particularly when it comes to packaging. At Delserro Engineering Solutions (DES), we understand that the package is a crucial component that ensures device safety and efficacy during transit and storage.

With the medical device industry facing ever-tightening regulations, manufacturers must ensure their packaging can withstand a range of environmental stresses. DES’s medical device package testing services are designed to address these exacting standards, from simulating transportation conditions to mimicking the rigors of handling and storage.

Moreover, DES’s commitment to staying ahead in an evolving industry landscape means continuously updating our medical device package testing processes in line with the latest regulations and standards. Our laboratory’s ISO/IEC 17025 and ISTA accreditation are a testament to our capability to execute tests that are both precise and reliable. We engage with the latest industry practices, ensuring that our clients’ medical device packaging is robust, compliant, and above all, safe for the end-user.

Recognizing that off-the-shelf solutions do not fit all, our engineers work closely with clients to develop specialized medical device package testing plans that match the unique needs of their products. Whether it’s fine-tuning temperature cycles to match specific geographic journeys or tailoring shock tests for delicate components, DES ensures that every aspect of packaging is scrutinized and optimized for peak performance. This meticulous attention to detail ensures that when a medical device reaches its destination, it does so with its integrity unblemished and its functionality assured.

DES embraces the challenges of medical device package testing with a blend of accredited procedures, advanced technology, and customized service. By doing so, we ensure that our clients’ products are not only compliant but exemplify the highest standards of the medical device industry. Contact us to learn more about how we can address the specific testing needs for your medical device packaging.

Proven Expertise in the Medical Device Industry at DES

At Delserro Engineering Solutions (DES), our expertise in the medical device industry is more than just a claim—it’s a commitment. With over three decades of experience, DES has established itself as a leader in providing comprehensive testing solutions for both medical devices and their packaging. Our deep understanding of medical device industry standards positions us uniquely to help our clients navigate the complexities of product testing and compliance.

Our team of skilled engineers and technicians is dedicated to delivering results that surpass expectations. At DES, we understand that the medical device industry is rapidly evolving, and staying ahead means being equipped to adapt to new challenges. We offer personalized service, working closely with our clients to understand their specific needs and providing tailored solutions that align with their goals. This partnership approach has made us a trusted name among industry giants.

In the medical device industry, where precision, quality, and reliability are non-negotiable, DES stands as a beacon of excellence. We invite you to experience the DES difference—where quality testing leads to quality products.

Contact us today to learn how our expertise can enhance the reliability and market success of your medical devices.

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Vibration Testing Lab for Demanding Military Applications

Vibration Testing for military compliance is a crucial aspect for products aiming to serve in military applications. To ensure that these products can endure a severe military environment, they must undergo rigorous testing at a state-of-the-art vibration testing lab. This process involves defining the environmental life cycle that the product will encounter and then developing and executing a qualification test plan based on specific military standards. Completing these tests and documenting them in a detailed report is integral to achieving military compliance.

Why Perform Military Compliance Vibration Testing?

Military compliance vibration testing is especially crucial for military products integrated into complex and costly systems, where failure can lead to significant consequences. The principle reasons for executing this testing include the following:

  1. Ruggedizing Your Product:  Testing your product to a military standard vibration profile will ensure that it can withstand harsh vibration exposures that it would experience throughout its life cycle.
  2. Evaluating Performance: Military compliance vibration testing ensures that items will perform properly under harsh vibration conditions.  If your component does not function properly, it could cause a failure of a complicated system. 
  3. Reducing Maintenance and Preventing Field Failures:  A robust product will have less or no field failures, reduce downtime and maintenance which is critical for military applications. 

Focusing specifically on vibration testing for military compliance, this article delves into various military standards that are vital in evaluating a product’s durability and ruggedness. These include MIL-STD-167, MIL-STD-202, MIL-STD-750, MIL-STD-810, and MIL-STD-883, each with their specific testing methods for a range of environmental conditions including sinusoidal and random vibration testing.

  • MIL-STD-167 Department of Defense Test Method Standard – Mechanical Vibrations of Shipboard Equipment
  • MIL-STD-202 Department of Defense Test Method Standard for Electronic and Electrical Component Parts
  • MIL-STD-750 Test Methods for Semiconductor Devices
  • MIL-STD-810 Department of Defense Test Method Standard for Environmental Engineering Considerations and Laboratory Tests
  • MIL-STD-883 Department of Defense Test Method Standard for Microcircuits

MIL-STD-167 applies to equipment installed on Navy ships with conventionally shafted propulsion.  MIL-STD-167-1 covers mechanical vibrations caused by unbalanced rotating components of Naval shipboard equipment.  MIL-STD-167-2 is for mechanical vibrations from reciprocating machinery and lateral, longitudinal vibrations of propulsion systems and shafting. 

MIL-STD-202 establishes uniform methods for testing electronic and electrical component parts.  MIL-STD-202 defines component parts to include capacitors, resistors, switches, relays, transformers, inductors, etc.  This standard is intended to apply only to small component parts, weighing less than 300 pounds or having a root mean square test voltage up to 50,000 volts. 

MIL-STD-750 is intended to apply only to testing semiconductor devices.  Semiconductor devices include such items as transistors, diodes, voltage regulators, rectifiers, tunnel diodes, and other related parts.

Contact DES, where precision meets passion for excellence.

MIL Standard 810 Testing: The DES Commitment

MIL-STD-810, known for its stringent requirements, is crucial for products intended for military use, and at DES, we ensure that these products meet and exceed these rigorous standards.

Our approach to MIL Standard 810 testing is comprehensive and meticulous. We understand that each product has its unique set of challenges and requirements. Therefore, our testing process is not just about meeting the basic compliance standards; it’s about thoroughly understanding the product’s lifecycle and the environmental stresses it will endure.

Our state-of-the-art facilities are equipped to conduct the methods under MIL-STD-810H, ensuring that we cover a wide range of environmental conditions. From high and low temperatures to shock and vibration, our tests are designed to mimic the harsh conditions that products will face in real-world military environments. This thorough testing not only ensures compliance but also aids in enhancing the product’s design and durability.

Choosing DES for MIL Standard 810 testing and all other military compliance testing means partnering with a team that values precision, quality, and customer satisfaction above all else. Our experience and expertise in this field make us a trusted partner for numerous manufacturers, from small component producers to large-scale military equipment manufacturers.

Contact Delserro Engineering Solutions today to learn more about our MIL Standard 810 testing services and how we can assist in bringing your products to the highest standards of military readiness and reliability.

MIL Standard 883: Advanced Testing for Microelectronics

As mentioned in the previous list, MIL-STD-883 is critical for the testing of microelectronics used in military applications. This Department of Defense Test Method Standard for Microcircuits is essential for ensuring that microelectronic devices can withstand the demanding conditions of military use. MIL-STD-883 encompasses a comprehensive suite of test procedures tailored to assess the robustness and reliability of various microelectronic devices, including monolithic, multichip, film, and hybrid microcircuits, as well as microcircuit arrays and their constituent elements.

The standard plays a pivotal role in validating the endurance of microelectronics in extreme environmental conditions. This includes evaluating their performance under conditions of extreme temperature, vibration, and other stress factors that are commonly encountered in military environments.

For manufacturers and designers of microelectronic devices, adhering to MIL-STD-883 is not just about compliance; it’s about guaranteeing the highest levels of performance and reliability of their products in some of the most challenging conditions. This is especially crucial given the increasing complexity and miniaturization of electronic components in military hardware.

Delserro Engineering Solutions (DES) provides comprehensive testing services to ensure compliance with MIL-STD-883. Our advanced testing capabilities help manufacturers navigate the complexities of MIL-STD-883, offering the assurance that their microelectronics meet all necessary military specifications. With our state-of-the-art facilities and technical expertise, we are equipped to handle the rigorous testing requirements of MIL-STD-883, delivering results that manufacturers can trust for their high-performance microelectronic products.

Vibration Testing Lab: Cutting-Edge Solutions by DES

At Delserro Engineering Solutions (DES), our state-of-the-art vibration testing lab is equipped to provide comprehensive solutions for military compliance. Understanding the criticality of these tests for military applications, we offer advanced testing procedures that replicate the exact conditions products will face in the field.

Moreover, DES recognizes the importance of customizing vibration testing to meet the specific requirements of each product and its intended use. Whether it’s testing for land and sea vehicles, aircraft, helicopters, or ground transport, we tailor our vibration testing procedures to ensure the most relevant and rigorous evaluation.

Our expertise extends beyond just executing standard tests. We work closely with our clients to develop comprehensive test plans that not only meet the required standards but also provide valuable insights into product performance and potential areas for enhancement. This approach helps in identifying and rectifying deficiencies early in the design process, saving time and costs, and ultimately leading to a more robust and reliable product.

With DES’s vibration testing lab, clients can expect not just testing, but a partnership that focuses on enhancing the quality and durability of their products. Reach out to us to discuss how we can assist in fulfilling your military vibration testing requirements with our cutting-edge solutions and expert guidance.

Contact DES today to discuss your vibration testing lab requirements.

If you want to learn more about vibration testing, please read these related blog articles:

MIL-STD-810 Vibration Testing Overview

MIL-STD-810: Vibration Testing Category 4 – Truck/Trailer – Secured Cargo

MIL-STD-810: Vibration Testing Category 9 – Aircraft – Helicopter

MIL-STD-810: Vibration Testing Category 7 – Aircraft – Jet

MIL-STD-810: Vibration Testing Category 8 – Aircraft – Propeller

MIL-STD-810: Vibration Testing Category 12 – Fixed Wing Jet Aircraft

MIL-STD-810: Vibration Testing Category 15 – Aircraft Stores

MIL-STD-810: Vibration Testing Category 20 – Ground Vehicles – Ground Mobile

MIL-STD-810: Vibration Testing Category 24 – Minimum Integrity Tests (MIT)

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DES Testing Laboratory Achieves ISTA Certification

testing laboratory DES certification

At Delserro Engineering Solutions (DES), our commitment to ensuring the highest standards of product reliability has reached new heights with our recent achievement: ISTA® certification. We are thrilled to announce that DES has been certified by the prestigious International Safe Transit Association (ISTA) as a qualified Transport Testing Laboratory. This certification is not merely a recognition; it is a testament to our unwavering dedication to excellence and precision in product testing.

Certification by ISTA ensures that a testing laboratory possesses not only the proper equipment but also the advanced capabilities required to conduct ISTA package performance testing. ISTA testing, with its focus on subjecting shipping containers to a series of rigorous hazards including shock, vibration, and various environmental conditions, mirrors the challenges products face throughout their distribution cycle. Achieving this certification demonstrates DES’s commitment to comprehensive testing methodologies, evaluating the robustness of products under real-world shipping conditions.

Secure your competitive advantage with DES’s ISTA-certified testing and watch your market trust and product integrity flourish.

ISTA Certification: Demonstrating Our Commitment to Quality Assurance

The achievement of ISTA certification is an unequivocal message to our clients and partners. It underscores our commitment to comprehensive testing methodologies that ensure the robustness of products under real-world shipping conditions. It reassures you that at DES, we do not compromise when it comes to the reliability and quality of your products.

Our dedication to quality does not stop at ISTA certification alone. DES is also accredited to ISO/IEC 17025 by the American Association for Laboratory Accreditation (A2LA). This dual recognition serves as a beacon of our strong technical competence and world-class equipment capabilities. We adhere to the highest industry standards, ensuring that every test conducted in our laboratory is reliable, accurate, and of unparalleled quality.

Our ISTA certification and A2LA accreditation offer our clients a unique advantage – the ability to evaluate both the reliability of their products and the performance of their package design under one roof. DES understands that a product’s journey doesn’t end at its reliability; it extends to its safe and consistent transportation to its final destination.

Your success begins with the right testing partner – choose DES.

Accredited Testing Laboratory: Ensuring Unparalleled Precision

At Delserro Engineering Solutions (DES), our distinction as an accredited testing laboratory goes beyond mere recognition; it embodies our unwavering commitment to ensuring unparalleled precision in every test we conduct. Being an accredited testing laboratory means adhering to the highest industry standards and consistently delivering results that meet the most rigorous quality criteria.

As an accredited testing laboratory, our suite of testing services is both comprehensive and customized to cater to the diverse needs of our clients. Whether it’s Accelerated Product Life Cycle Testing, Custom Test & Measurement, Dynamics Testing, Environmental & Climatic Testing, Package Testing, Production Screening, or Reliability Testing, we can design and implement specialized testing setups that cater to your unique product specifications.

In the competitive landscape of product development, precision matters. It is the key differentiator between products that merely make it to the market and products that dominate the market. At DES, our accreditation as a testing laboratory is your assurance of precision and quality. Partner with us, and let our accredited status enhance your products’ reliability and market success.

Contact DES, where precision meets passion for excellence.

The Essence of Excellence: DES as Your Trusted Testing Laboratory

Delserro Engineering Solutions (DES) is your trusted testing laboratory, dedicated to upholding excellence in product qualification and reliability testing. Our journey in this field spans over three decades, during which we have become a name synonymous with precision, reliability, and unwavering commitment to quality assurance.

Our legacy as a testing laboratory reflects not just our longevity but also the immense expertise we have amassed over the years. We have successfully completed testing projects for esteemed clients including Adidas, Crayola, Medtronic, Rolls Royce, Boeing, Lockheed Martin, and the U.S. Army. This extensive experience allows us to offer insights and expertise that are truly unparalleled in the industry.

Partner with us and experience the difference that our legacy of excellence can make for your products.

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