Medical Device Industry: Producing Reliable Products

medical device industry showing stethoscope and other devices

In the fast-evolving medical device industry, the pathway to market success is marked by stringent standards. Delserro Engineering Solutions (DES) plays a pivotal role in this journey, offering expert testing services for both medical devices and their packaging. Recognizing that each product—from intricate surgical instruments to complex diagnostic machinery—requires rigorous scrutiny, DES employs cutting-edge environmental, vibration, HALT, and shock testing in its state-of-the-art facilities.

The comprehensive range of tests at DES is designed to address the specific challenges faced by medical devices in real-world conditions. By simulating various environmental factors and stressors, DES ensures that both the device and its packaging maintain integrity and functionality throughout their lifecycle. This attention to detail is crucial in the medical device industry where precision is paramount, and the smallest oversight can have significant consequences.

Our team delves into the nuances of each project, partnering with manufacturers to understand their unique needs and challenges. This collaborative approach allows for customized testing solutions that cater to the diverse requirements of the medical device sector.

Medical Device Testing: Meeting Rigorous Standards with DES

The field of medical device testing necessitates strict adherence to a variety of industry standards to ensure compliance. At Delserro Engineering Solutions (DES), we pride ourselves on aligning our testing services with these critical standards, assuring that medical device packaging meets the highest benchmarks of quality and reliability.

  1. ISTA Compliance for Transportation Durability: As a certified testing laboratory, we conduct packaging tests that comply with International Safe Transit Association (ISTA) standards. These tests simulate the stress that packaging undergoes during transportation, ensuring that it can protect medical devices from damage due to shock, vibration, and other environmental factors.
  2. ASTM Standards for Material Quality: Adhering to ASTM D7386 and other ASTM standards, we evaluate the material quality of packaging, assessing its durability and resilience under various conditions. These tests are crucial for determining if the packaging can maintain the sterility and integrity of medical devices.
  3. ISO/IEC 17025 Accredited Testing: Our ISO/IEC 17025 accreditation signifies our technical competence in conducting standardized tests. This includes ensuring that medical device packaging meets specific environmental testing requirements crucial for maintaining product reliability throughout its lifecycle.
  4. MIL-STD Compliance for Military-Grade Assurance: For products that require a higher level of robustness, such as those used in military applications, we ensure compliance with Military Standards like MIL-STD-810 and MIL-STD-202. This ensures that products can withstand extreme environmental conditions and rough handling.
  5. Customized Testing Protocols: Beyond standard compliance, we offer customized testing solutions tailored to unique client specifications. Whether it’s assessing the resilience of packaging or devices under specific temperature conditions or evaluating its performance under unique mechanical stresses, our state-of-the-art facilities are equipped to handle diverse testing needs.

Navigating Challenges in Medical Device Package Testing

The journey from conception to market for medical devices is fraught with challenges, particularly when it comes to packaging. At Delserro Engineering Solutions (DES), we understand that the package is a crucial component that ensures device safety and efficacy during transit and storage.

With the medical device industry facing ever-tightening regulations, manufacturers must ensure their packaging can withstand a range of environmental stresses. DES’s medical device package testing services are designed to address these exacting standards, from simulating transportation conditions to mimicking the rigors of handling and storage.

Moreover, DES’s commitment to staying ahead in an evolving industry landscape means continuously updating our medical device package testing processes in line with the latest regulations and standards. Our laboratory’s ISO/IEC 17025 and ISTA accreditation are a testament to our capability to execute tests that are both precise and reliable. We engage with the latest industry practices, ensuring that our clients’ medical device packaging is robust, compliant, and above all, safe for the end-user.

Recognizing that off-the-shelf solutions do not fit all, our engineers work closely with clients to develop specialized medical device package testing plans that match the unique needs of their products. Whether it’s fine-tuning temperature cycles to match specific geographic journeys or tailoring shock tests for delicate components, DES ensures that every aspect of packaging is scrutinized and optimized for peak performance. This meticulous attention to detail ensures that when a medical device reaches its destination, it does so with its integrity unblemished and its functionality assured.

DES embraces the challenges of medical device package testing with a blend of accredited procedures, advanced technology, and customized service. By doing so, we ensure that our clients’ products are not only compliant but exemplify the highest standards of the medical device industry. Contact us to learn more about how we can address the specific testing needs for your medical device packaging.

Proven Expertise in the Medical Device Industry at DES

At Delserro Engineering Solutions (DES), our expertise in the medical device industry is more than just a claim—it’s a commitment. With over three decades of experience, DES has established itself as a leader in providing comprehensive testing solutions for both medical devices and their packaging. Our deep understanding of medical device industry standards positions us uniquely to help our clients navigate the complexities of product testing and compliance.

Our team of skilled engineers and technicians is dedicated to delivering results that surpass expectations. At DES, we understand that the medical device industry is rapidly evolving, and staying ahead means being equipped to adapt to new challenges. We offer personalized service, working closely with our clients to understand their specific needs and providing tailored solutions that align with their goals. This partnership approach has made us a trusted name among industry giants.

In the medical device industry, where precision, quality, and reliability are non-negotiable, DES stands as a beacon of excellence. We invite you to experience the DES difference—where quality testing leads to quality products.

Contact us today to learn how our expertise can enhance the reliability and market success of your medical devices.

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Vibration Testing Lab for Demanding Military Applications

Vibration Testing for military compliance is a crucial aspect for products aiming to serve in military applications. To ensure that these products can endure a severe military environment, they must undergo rigorous testing at a state-of-the-art vibration testing lab. This process involves defining the environmental life cycle that the product will encounter and then developing and executing a qualification test plan based on specific military standards. Completing these tests and documenting them in a detailed report is integral to achieving military compliance.

Why Perform Military Compliance Vibration Testing?

Military compliance vibration testing is especially crucial for military products integrated into complex and costly systems, where failure can lead to significant consequences. The principle reasons for executing this testing include the following:

  1. Ruggedizing Your Product:  Testing your product to a military standard vibration profile will ensure that it can withstand harsh vibration exposures that it would experience throughout its life cycle.
  2. Evaluating Performance: Military compliance vibration testing ensures that items will perform properly under harsh vibration conditions.  If your component does not function properly, it could cause a failure of a complicated system. 
  3. Reducing Maintenance and Preventing Field Failures:  A robust product will have less or no field failures, reduce downtime and maintenance which is critical for military applications. 

Focusing specifically on vibration testing for military compliance, this article delves into various military standards that are vital in evaluating a product’s durability and ruggedness. These include MIL-STD-167, MIL-STD-202, MIL-STD-750, MIL-STD-810, and MIL-STD-883, each with their specific testing methods for a range of environmental conditions including sinusoidal and random vibration testing.

  • MIL-STD-167 Department of Defense Test Method Standard – Mechanical Vibrations of Shipboard Equipment
  • MIL-STD-202 Department of Defense Test Method Standard for Electronic and Electrical Component Parts
  • MIL-STD-750 Test Methods for Semiconductor Devices
  • MIL-STD-810 Department of Defense Test Method Standard for Environmental Engineering Considerations and Laboratory Tests
  • MIL-STD-883 Department of Defense Test Method Standard for Microcircuits

MIL-STD-167 applies to equipment installed on Navy ships with conventionally shafted propulsion.  MIL-STD-167-1 covers mechanical vibrations caused by unbalanced rotating components of Naval shipboard equipment.  MIL-STD-167-2 is for mechanical vibrations from reciprocating machinery and lateral, longitudinal vibrations of propulsion systems and shafting. 

MIL-STD-202 establishes uniform methods for testing electronic and electrical component parts.  MIL-STD-202 defines component parts to include capacitors, resistors, switches, relays, transformers, inductors, etc.  This standard is intended to apply only to small component parts, weighing less than 300 pounds or having a root mean square test voltage up to 50,000 volts. 

MIL-STD-750 is intended to apply only to testing semiconductor devices.  Semiconductor devices include such items as transistors, diodes, voltage regulators, rectifiers, tunnel diodes, and other related parts.

Contact DES, where precision meets passion for excellence.

MIL Standard 810 Testing: The DES Commitment

MIL-STD-810, known for its stringent requirements, is crucial for products intended for military use, and at DES, we ensure that these products meet and exceed these rigorous standards.

Our approach to MIL Standard 810 testing is comprehensive and meticulous. We understand that each product has its unique set of challenges and requirements. Therefore, our testing process is not just about meeting the basic compliance standards; it’s about thoroughly understanding the product’s lifecycle and the environmental stresses it will endure.

Our state-of-the-art facilities are equipped to conduct the methods under MIL-STD-810H, ensuring that we cover a wide range of environmental conditions. From high and low temperatures to shock and vibration, our tests are designed to mimic the harsh conditions that products will face in real-world military environments. This thorough testing not only ensures compliance but also aids in enhancing the product’s design and durability.

Choosing DES for MIL Standard 810 testing and all other military compliance testing means partnering with a team that values precision, quality, and customer satisfaction above all else. Our experience and expertise in this field make us a trusted partner for numerous manufacturers, from small component producers to large-scale military equipment manufacturers.

Contact Delserro Engineering Solutions today to learn more about our MIL Standard 810 testing services and how we can assist in bringing your products to the highest standards of military readiness and reliability.

MIL Standard 883: Advanced Testing for Microelectronics

As mentioned in the previous list, MIL-STD-883 is critical for the testing of microelectronics used in military applications. This Department of Defense Test Method Standard for Microcircuits is essential for ensuring that microelectronic devices can withstand the demanding conditions of military use. MIL-STD-883 encompasses a comprehensive suite of test procedures tailored to assess the robustness and reliability of various microelectronic devices, including monolithic, multichip, film, and hybrid microcircuits, as well as microcircuit arrays and their constituent elements.

The standard plays a pivotal role in validating the endurance of microelectronics in extreme environmental conditions. This includes evaluating their performance under conditions of extreme temperature, vibration, and other stress factors that are commonly encountered in military environments.

For manufacturers and designers of microelectronic devices, adhering to MIL-STD-883 is not just about compliance; it’s about guaranteeing the highest levels of performance and reliability of their products in some of the most challenging conditions. This is especially crucial given the increasing complexity and miniaturization of electronic components in military hardware.

Delserro Engineering Solutions (DES) provides comprehensive testing services to ensure compliance with MIL-STD-883. Our advanced testing capabilities help manufacturers navigate the complexities of MIL-STD-883, offering the assurance that their microelectronics meet all necessary military specifications. With our state-of-the-art facilities and technical expertise, we are equipped to handle the rigorous testing requirements of MIL-STD-883, delivering results that manufacturers can trust for their high-performance microelectronic products.

Vibration Testing Lab: Cutting-Edge Solutions by DES

At Delserro Engineering Solutions (DES), our state-of-the-art vibration testing lab is equipped to provide comprehensive solutions for military compliance. Understanding the criticality of these tests for military applications, we offer advanced testing procedures that replicate the exact conditions products will face in the field.

Moreover, DES recognizes the importance of customizing vibration testing to meet the specific requirements of each product and its intended use. Whether it’s testing for land and sea vehicles, aircraft, helicopters, or ground transport, we tailor our vibration testing procedures to ensure the most relevant and rigorous evaluation.

Our expertise extends beyond just executing standard tests. We work closely with our clients to develop comprehensive test plans that not only meet the required standards but also provide valuable insights into product performance and potential areas for enhancement. This approach helps in identifying and rectifying deficiencies early in the design process, saving time and costs, and ultimately leading to a more robust and reliable product.

With DES’s vibration testing lab, clients can expect not just testing, but a partnership that focuses on enhancing the quality and durability of their products. Reach out to us to discuss how we can assist in fulfilling your military vibration testing requirements with our cutting-edge solutions and expert guidance.

Contact DES today to discuss your vibration testing lab requirements.

If you want to learn more about vibration testing, please read these related blog articles:

MIL-STD-810 Vibration Testing Overview

MIL-STD-810: Vibration Testing Category 4 – Truck/Trailer – Secured Cargo

MIL-STD-810: Vibration Testing Category 9 – Aircraft – Helicopter

MIL-STD-810: Vibration Testing Category 7 – Aircraft – Jet

MIL-STD-810: Vibration Testing Category 8 – Aircraft – Propeller

MIL-STD-810: Vibration Testing Category 12 – Fixed Wing Jet Aircraft

MIL-STD-810: Vibration Testing Category 15 – Aircraft Stores

MIL-STD-810: Vibration Testing Category 20 – Ground Vehicles – Ground Mobile

MIL-STD-810: Vibration Testing Category 24 – Minimum Integrity Tests (MIT)

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DES Testing Laboratory Achieves ISTA Certification

testing laboratory DES certification

At Delserro Engineering Solutions (DES), our commitment to ensuring the highest standards of product reliability has reached new heights with our recent achievement: ISTA® certification. We are thrilled to announce that DES has been certified by the prestigious International Safe Transit Association (ISTA) as a qualified Transport Testing Laboratory. This certification is not merely a recognition; it is a testament to our unwavering dedication to excellence and precision in product testing.

Certification by ISTA ensures that a testing laboratory possesses not only the proper equipment but also the advanced capabilities required to conduct ISTA package performance testing. ISTA testing, with its focus on subjecting shipping containers to a series of rigorous hazards including shock, vibration, and various environmental conditions, mirrors the challenges products face throughout their distribution cycle. Achieving this certification demonstrates DES’s commitment to comprehensive testing methodologies, evaluating the robustness of products under real-world shipping conditions.

Secure your competitive advantage with DES’s ISTA-certified testing and watch your market trust and product integrity flourish.

ISTA Certification: Demonstrating Our Commitment to Quality Assurance

The achievement of ISTA certification is an unequivocal message to our clients and partners. It underscores our commitment to comprehensive testing methodologies that ensure the robustness of products under real-world shipping conditions. It reassures you that at DES, we do not compromise when it comes to the reliability and quality of your products.

Our dedication to quality does not stop at ISTA certification alone. DES is also accredited to ISO/IEC 17025 by the American Association for Laboratory Accreditation (A2LA). This dual recognition serves as a beacon of our strong technical competence and world-class equipment capabilities. We adhere to the highest industry standards, ensuring that every test conducted in our laboratory is reliable, accurate, and of unparalleled quality.

Our ISTA certification and A2LA accreditation offer our clients a unique advantage – the ability to evaluate both the reliability of their products and the performance of their package design under one roof. DES understands that a product’s journey doesn’t end at its reliability; it extends to its safe and consistent transportation to its final destination.

Your success begins with the right testing partner – choose DES.

Accredited Testing Laboratory: Ensuring Unparalleled Precision

At Delserro Engineering Solutions (DES), our distinction as an accredited testing laboratory goes beyond mere recognition; it embodies our unwavering commitment to ensuring unparalleled precision in every test we conduct. Being an accredited testing laboratory means adhering to the highest industry standards and consistently delivering results that meet the most rigorous quality criteria.

As an accredited testing laboratory, our suite of testing services is both comprehensive and customized to cater to the diverse needs of our clients. Whether it’s Accelerated Product Life Cycle Testing, Custom Test & Measurement, Dynamics Testing, Environmental & Climatic Testing, Package Testing, Production Screening, or Reliability Testing, we can design and implement specialized testing setups that cater to your unique product specifications.

In the competitive landscape of product development, precision matters. It is the key differentiator between products that merely make it to the market and products that dominate the market. At DES, our accreditation as a testing laboratory is your assurance of precision and quality. Partner with us, and let our accredited status enhance your products’ reliability and market success.

Contact DES, where precision meets passion for excellence.

The Essence of Excellence: DES as Your Trusted Testing Laboratory

Delserro Engineering Solutions (DES) is your trusted testing laboratory, dedicated to upholding excellence in product qualification and reliability testing. Our journey in this field spans over three decades, during which we have become a name synonymous with precision, reliability, and unwavering commitment to quality assurance.

Our legacy as a testing laboratory reflects not just our longevity but also the immense expertise we have amassed over the years. We have successfully completed testing projects for esteemed clients including Adidas, Crayola, Medtronic, Rolls Royce, Boeing, Lockheed Martin, and the U.S. Army. This extensive experience allows us to offer insights and expertise that are truly unparalleled in the industry.

Partner with us and experience the difference that our legacy of excellence can make for your products.

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Electrical Connector Testing: Ensuring Reliability in Vibrating Environments

Electrical connectors are ubiquitous components in the world of electronics, serving as the vital links that enable seamless communication and power transmission within electronic systems. In today’s rapidly advancing technological landscape, ensuring the integrity and reliability of electrical connectors is of paramount importance. Some are exposed to harsh vibration environments such as automotive, aerospace, military, missiles, and rockets. 

A failure or intermittent connection can cause a fault, malfunction, or a system shutdown in a complicated electronic system.  These demanding applications leave no room for error, as even a minor fault or intermittent connection can lead to catastrophic consequences, including system failures, malfunctions, or complete shutdowns. Electrical connector testing includes shock testing, mechanical load testing, and vibration testing, among others.

In this article, we will review the methodologies and standards for effective electrical connector testing in vibrating environments.

Mixed Mode, Random and Sinusoidal Vibration Testing of Electrical Connectors

Electrical connector vibration tests mimic real-world scenarios. Understanding how connectors perform under these complex conditions is crucial for designing robust systems.

How is Electrical Connector Vibration Testing performed?

The specific tests performed on electrical connectors include random, mixed mode, and sinusoidal vibration testing. (See below for links to other blog articles that explain more about the types of vibrations.)  The test equipment consists of an electrodynamic shaker that has an armature or head which produces the required excitations.  A computerized controller sends the precise vibration signals to an amplifier which boosts the signals to drive the shaker head. 

Accelerometers are used to measure the test vibrations and to provide feedback to the controller.  The connectors are mounted to a rigid test fixture that is attached to the armature, a slip table or head expander.  Proper test fixture design is important so that resonances do not occur.  Also, proper mounting of the connectors is important to ensure they are supported sufficiently, and that relative motion does not occur due to poor mounting. 

The vibration test is run at specified frequencies, amplitudes, durations according to the chosen military, automotive, aerospace, etc. specifications.  During the test, the connectors are monitored for discontinuities using an event detector that can monitor discontinuities as quickly as 0.1 microseconds.  After testing is completed, the connectors are inspected for wear and failures. 

DES will promptly deliver a detailed test report that includes the customer’s name and address, the test dates, a summary of the test procedure, equipment & measuring system calibration information, operational test data, test observations & results, color pictures of the vibration test setup and color pictures of any failures. 

Why Perform Electrical Connector Vibration Testing?

The reasons behind subjecting electrical connectors to such rigorous testing are multifaceted. As mentioned above, it helps in identifying potential issues that could lead to field failures and in the development of connectors that can maintain performance in challenging settings. More specific reasons include the following: 

  1. Evaluating Performance and Reliability: Vibration testing assesses how well electrical connectors perform and maintain their reliability in diverse vibration environments.
  2. Detecting Discontinuities: The testing procedure aims to identify if electrical discontinuities occur when connectors are subjected to typical usage vibrations.
  3. Preventing Field Failures: By simulating real-world conditions, it aids in the prevention of field failures caused by issues like fretting fatigue, plating wear, cracks, broken wires, intermittent discontinuities, or loose components.
  4. Developing Robust Connectors: Vibration testing is instrumental in the development of stronger and more robust connectors suitable for demanding applications in sectors such as automotive, military, and space industries.

EIA-364-28 and other Electrical Contractor Vibration Test Standards

Adherence to industry standards is paramount when performing electrical connector testing in vibration environments. These standards provide comprehensive guidelines and procedures for conducting rigorous testing. They emanate from a variety of organizations such as the EIA-364-28 standard from the Electronics Industries Alliance. Here are some of the prominent standards employed in the evaluation of electrical connectors’ vibrational resilience:

  • EIA-364-28 – Vibration Test Procedure for Electrical Connectors and Sockets
  • GMW 3191 – Automotive Connector Test and Validation Specification
  • MIL-STD-1344A, Method 2005 – Military Standard, Test Methods for Electrical Connectors
  • SAE USCAR-2 – Performance Specification for Automotive Electrical Connector Systems

Precision-Driven Electrical Connector Testing

If you want to learn more about vibration testing, please read these related blog articles:

DES has the experience and equipment to perform accurate, repeatable testing of electrical connectors in our controlled, world class accredited lab.  We excel at designing and making customized setups and fixtures.  Contact DES today to discuss your electrical connector vibration testing requirements.

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Understanding IEC 60068-2: A Comprehensive Guide

IEC 60068-2 is a globally recognized standard that outlines a series of tests for products, components, and equipment to assess their ability to withstand environmental conditions. By simulating the different climatic conditions and mechanical stresses a product can undergo during its lifetime, environmental testing can help manufacturers validate the ruggedness, durability, and performance of their products.

One of the key tests within this series is the shock test, which is designed to simulate the effects of sudden impacts or abrupt changes in motion that a product might encounter during its lifecycle. Specifically, the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) manages two well-known shock and drop-shock standards for electrical and electronic-related technologies, IEC 60068-2-27 and IEC 60068-2-31. 

  • IEC 60068-2-27 Environmental testing Part 2-27: Test Ea: Shock
  • IEC 60068-2-31 Environmental testing Part 2-31: Test Ec: Rough Handling Shocks

IEC 60068-2 shock testing is a critical part of product development for several reasons:

  • Real-world conditions simulation: Products often encounter shocks and impacts during shipping, handling, and everyday use. IEC 60068-2 shock testing simulates these conditions to assess how well the product can withstand them.
  • Identification of potential weaknesses: Shock testing can reveal design or manufacturing flaws that might cause the product to fail prematurely. Identifying these issues early in the development process can save time and money on product recalls or redesigns.
  • Ensuring product reliability: For products that are used in critical applications, such as medical devices or aerospace components, shock testing is crucial to ensure they can perform reliably under all conditions.
  • Worldwide recognition: IEC 60068-2 is an international standard, so products tested to this standard are accepted worldwide. This can simplify the process of selling your product in international markets.

At DES, we understand the importance of detailed and accurate shock testing. Our experienced team can guide you through the process, ensuring your product meets all relevant standards and is ready for the rigors of real-world use.

IEC 60068-2-27: A Detailed Look at the Shock Testing Standard

IEC 60068-2-27 is a specific test within the IEC 60068-2 series that focuses on shock testing. This test is designed to simulate the shock conditions that products, components, and equipment may encounter during transportation, storage, handling, or in use. The purpose of this test is to reveal mechanical deficiencies, degradation, and/or accumulate damage caused by shocks.

The IEC 60068-2-27 test is a crucial part of the product development process. It provides manufacturers with valuable insights into the potential weaknesses of their products, allowing them to make necessary improvements to enhance product durability.

The test involves subjecting the product to specified levels of shock impulses in a controlled environment. There are 3 types of shocks in IEC 60068-2-27, half-sine impulse, saw-tooth impulse, and the trapezoidal impulse.  Much of this standard defines the pulse shapes and control of the shock parameters.  Other sections cover the test severities such as the peak acceleration level, duration, and number of shocks.  The user specifies which test severities are applicable to their products.  Annex A provides guidance and examples of test severities for various applications.  Annex B gives information about shock response spectra (SRS) and the characteristics of the pulse shapes.  The product’s performance may be evaluated during the shocks or just before/after the test.

At Delserro Engineering Solutions, we have extensive experience conducting IEC 60068-2-27 shock testing. Our meticulous approach to testing ensures that your product is thoroughly evaluated for potential weaknesses, providing you with the information you need to make informed decisions about product improvements. Our commitment to quality and accuracy ensures that our testing procedures meet the highest standards of reliability and precision.

IEC 60068-2-31: Shocks Intended to Simulate Rough Handling

IEC60068-2-31 is another critical standard within the IEC 60068-2 series, focusing on simulating the effects of rough handling shocks.  Rough handling shocks are knocks, jolts, and falls typically encountered during repair work, rough handling or dropping.  IEC 60068-2-31 defines 3 types of rough handling shock tests:

  • Drop and Topple is intended to assess the effects of knocks or jolts typically occurring during repair work or rough handling on a table or work-bench.  The drop tests are accomplished by raising an edge or corner of an item to a prescribed height, then releasing it allowing the face under test to drop onto a hard surface.  The topple test is performed by raising an edge slowly until instability occurs, then allowing the specimen to topple over onto an adjacent face.  The number of drops or topples is usually 4.
  • Free Fall – Procedure 1 is aimed at evaluating the effects of falls from rough handling.  The entire specimen is raised to a defined height, then released allowing it to free fall onto a hard surface.  The product can be oriented to allow the impact to occur on a face, edge or corner.  Typically the number of free falls is 2.
  • Free Fall – Procedure 2 is intended to reproduce repetitive shock conditions likely to occur on component-type specimens such as electrical connectors.  The test specimens are subjected to a prescribed number of falls from a specified height onto a hard surface.  The number of falls in procedure 2 typically ranges from 50 to 1,000. 

At Delserro Engineering Solutions, we use a thorough approach when conducting IEC 60068-2-27 and IEC 60068-2-31 shock testing, ensuring that the test is performed under repeatable conditions and your product is evaluated for rugged usage.

Our testing process begins with a thorough understanding of your product and its intended use. This allows us to assess the shocks and impacts your product is likely to encounter. We then subject your product to a specified level of shocks or impacts in a controlled environment. This test can reveal defects in the product’s design or construction that might not be evident.

Throughout the testing process, our team of experts will keep you informed of our findings and will deliver a detailed report upon test completion. Our goal is to help you improve your product’s reliability and durability, ultimately enhancing its market success.

Our commitment to quality and accuracy is demonstrated by our compliance with ISO/IEC 17025, a globally recognized standard for testing and calibration laboratories. Furthermore, our lab is accredited by A2LA, the country’s leading accreditation agency. This ensures that all tests conducted are technically competent, reliable, and of the highest quality. Clients can have peace of mind knowing that their products are tested with precision and accuracy, minimizing the risk of product failures in the market.

IEC 60068 2: Why Choose DES for Your Shock Testing Needs

Choosing the right partner for your shock testing needs is crucial. At Delserro Engineering Solutions, we offer a comprehensive suite of services designed to ensure your products meet the stringent IEC 60068-2 standards. Here’s why DES should be your first choice:

  1. Experience: With over 30 years in the industry, we have the expertise to conduct thorough and accurate shock testing for a wide range of products. Our team has managed testing projects for clients all over the world, including renowned organizations like Adidas, Crayola, Medtronic, Rolls Royce, Boeing, Lockheed Martin, NASA and the U.S. Army.
  2. Quality Assurance: Our lab is ISO/IEC 17025 compliant and A2LA accredited, ensuring the highest level of quality and reliability in our testing procedures. This commitment to quality is demonstrated in every test we conduct, providing you with confidence that your product has been thoroughly evaluated and meets all relevant standards.
  3. Customized Solutions: We understand that every product is unique, so we tailor our testing methods to meet your specific needs. Our team works closely with you to understand your product and its intended use, allowing us to customize our testing process to accurately simulates the shocks and impacts your product is likely to encounter.
  4. Client Satisfaction: We’ve worked with global clients and have received positive feedback on our seamless procedures, high level of service, and impressive test results. Our commitment to client satisfaction is evident in every project we undertake, and we strive to exceed your expectations at every turn.

Contact DES today to discuss your IEC 60068-2 shock testing requirements with one of our experts. We’re here to help you ensure your product’s success in the market.

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IEC 60068 Vibration Testing

iec 60068 vibration testing equipment

IEC 60068 Explained: A Deep Dive into Vibration Testing Standards

What is IEC 60068 Vibration Testing?

IEC 60068-2 is a subset of the broader IEC 60068 series, which sets out international test standards for various environmental tests on products, equipment, and components. Included within the IEC 60068-2 series are the vibration test standards:

  • IEC 60068-2-6 Environmental testing Part 2-6: Test Fc: Vibration (sinusoidal)
  • IEC 60068-2-64 Environmental testing Part 2-64: Test Fh: Vibration, Broadband Random, and Guidance

DES has extensive experience performing many vibration tests to IEC 60068-2-6 and IEC 60068-2-64.  We are A2LA accredited to those standards. 

Why perform IEC 60068 Vibration Testing?

  • All products will likely experience some vibration during their lifetime from shipping and transportation.  Thus, some level of vibration testing is valuable. 
  • For items being sold outside of the USA, the results from vibration testing to IEC 60068-2-6 and IEC 60068-2-64 are accepted worldwide.  
  • IEC 60068-2-6 and IEC 60068-2-64 can be used to evaluate the reliability and performance of products that will be exposed to vibration environments.
  • They are useful to assess the durability and performance of connectors exposed to harsh conditions such as military, automotive, and space environments.  During the vibration, the connectors are monitored for intermittent electrical contact with specialized equipment provided by DES. 
  • Manufacturers can validate the structural integrity of items and identify possible degradation under different vibration conditions. 
  • Automotive and aerospace suppliers can evaluate the reliability, durability, and performance of their components that are subjected to intense vibration during their lifetime.
  • IEC 60068-2-6 and IEC 60068-2-64 can be used to investigate structural dynamic characteristics for items used in spacecraft programs.
  • Testing to these standards can simulate the stresses that occur during the life of a product giving confidence in its performance and longevity.
  • Products can be developed to function and withstand vibration exposures encountered during their life cycle.
  • Companies can evaluate the durability and performance of components, equipment, and articles during transportation and service vibration.

IEC 60068-2-6: Sinusoidal Vibration Test Standard

IEC 60068-2-6 is a test standard for Sinusoidal Vibration Testing.  It defines a procedure for testing specimens to sinusoidal vibrations over a specified frequency range for a given duration.  It is applicable (but not limited) to products or components that are subjected to harmonic vibrations such as rotating, pulsating, or oscillating forces that occur in ships, aircraft, land vehicles, rotorcraft, machinery, space applications, and seismic events. 

Much of the IEC 60068-2-6 specification deals with controlling the test parameters.  Other parts cover various test severities such as the vibration amplitude, frequency ranges, and durations.  It is up to the user to choose which test severities are applicable to their products.  Annex A in IEC 60068-2-6 gives some guidance on testing.  Annexes B and C provide examples of severities based on different applications.  The user must also specify whether the specimen shall be functional during the vibration test or whether it can be functionally tested before and after. 

IEC 60068-2-6 endurance testing can be accomplished either by endurance by sweeping or endurance at fixed frequencies.  Endurance by sweeping is performed by continuously sweeping or varying the sinusoidal vibrations from the lowest to the highest to the lowest frequencies for a chosen number of sweep cycles.  Endurance at fixed frequencies is completed by subjecting the specimens to a sine dwell at the product resonances for a fixed duration and vibration amplitude.

Contact DES today to discuss your IEC 60068-2-6 vibration testing requirements with one of our experts.

The Random Vibration Test: An In-depth Look at IEC 60068-2-64

IEC 60068-2-64 is a procedure for Random Vibration Testing of components, products and equipment.  Random vibration occurs in transportation environments, vehicles, aircraft, aerospace, military environments, etc.  Random vibration tests can also be useful for evaluating the general robustness and durability of products and components.  IEC 60068-2-64 defines requirements for subjecting specimens to broadband random vibration tests over a specified frequency range for a given duration.  It is primarily intended for specimens that are unpackaged, however, a packaged product can be tested using transportation vibrations. 

The first part of IEC 60068-2-64 covers controlling the test parameters.  Subsequent parts of IEC 60068-2-64 list various test severities such as the Grms value of acceleration, the frequency range, and the duration of testing.  Similar to IEC 60068-2-6, the user chooses what test severities to apply to their products and if the specimen shall be functional during the vibration test or whether it should be functionally tested before and after.  Annex A in IEC 60068-2-64 provides examples of severities based on different applications.  Annexes B and C provide information and guidance. 

An optional low-level vibration response investigation (sometimes called a resonance scan or modal survey) can be performed before and after the random vibration in each axis.  The vibration response investigation can be either a sinusoidal vibration sweep or random vibration applied for a short duration.  In either case, the vibrations should be low level to avoid damaging the test specimen but high enough to excite resonances.  

Completing the Vibration Test

Once all the severities are chosen in either IEC 60068-2-6 or IEC 60068-2-64, the testing is performed along three perpendicular axes, one at a time.  Upon completion of the vibration test, DES will promptly deliver a detailed test report that includes the customer’s name and address, the test dates, a summary of the test procedure, chosen severities, equipment & measuring system calibration information, operational test data, test observations & results, color pictures of the vibration test setup and color pictures of any failures. 

Secure your product’s market success with DES’s comprehensive random vibration testing services. Contact us now and let’s get started.

DES Your Go-To for IEC 60068 Compliant Vibration Testing

Choosing the right partner for your vibration testing needs is crucial. At Delserro Engineering Solutions, we offer a comprehensive suite of services designed to ensure your products meet the stringent IEC 60068 standards. Here’s why DES should be your first choice:

  • Customized Solutions: We design and fabricate your vibration test fixtures tailored to your specific needs.
  • Precision and Care: Our test setup process is meticulous, incorporating control and response accelerometer placement, correct bolt torque application, and organized cable routing.
  • Quality Assurance: As an accredited laboratory, we adhere to IEC 60068-2-6 and IEC 60068-2-64 test standards, ensuring quality and compliance.
  • Advanced Facilities: With our state-of-the-art testing facilities and equipment, we are equipped to handle a wide range of vibration test requirements.
  • Extensive Experience: Our team has a broad range of experience in vibration testing, including products used in outer space, rockets, missiles, automotive and truck environments, military environments, and medical environments.

Contact DES today to discuss your vibration testing requirements with one of our experts. 

If you want to learn more about different types of vibration testing, please read these related blog articles:

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Enhancing Product Integrity: The Power of ISTA 3 and ISTA 3A Standards

ISTA 3 Package Testing

ISTA Series 3 Package Testing Standards

When it comes to shipping products, the safe arrival of your packages is of utmost importance. That’s why the ISTA 3-Series protocols are crucial. Designed as General Simulation Performance Tests, these ISTA standards evaluate the resilience of packages and products against transportation hazards encountered in parcel delivery systems. By subjecting packages to rigorous laboratory simulations that mirror real-world conditions, including random vibrations, package drops, and extreme climatic variations, the ISTA 3 tests provide invaluable insights into the ability of your packages to withstand the hazards encountered in parcel delivery systems.

Benefits of ISTA Series 3 Package Testing Standards:

  1. Unwavering Confidence: By adhering to ISTA Series 3 standards, you can be confident that your products will endure the rigors of handling and transportation.
  2. Mitigated Product Losses: Reducing claims of damaged products is crucial for your bottom line.
  3. Streamlined Operations and Increased Profits: Reducing product returns and associated costs has a direct impact on your profitability.
  4. Enhanced Customer Satisfaction: Ensuring that your customers receive intact and undamaged goods enhances their satisfaction, trust, and loyalty to your brand.]
  5. Material Evaluation and Innovation: ISTA Series 3 standards provide an opportunity to evaluate different packaging materials and their effectiveness in protecting your products.

ISTA 3 Series Tests:

The ISTA 3 series includes procedures (ISTA 3A and ISTA 3B):

  1. ISTA 3A: Parcel Delivery System Shipments 150 lb. (70kg) or Less
    • Provides comprehensive testing for standard, small, flat, and elongated packaged products.
    • Evaluates the ability of the packages to withstand drops, vibrations, and other hazards encountered during parcel shipping.
  2. ISTA 3B: Less-Than-Truckload (LTL) Shipment
    • Assesses the performance of standard, cylindrical, and palletized or skidded packages during LTL transportation.
    • Tests include tip/over, drop, vibration, impact, and other hazards encountered in LTL shipments.

ISTA 3A Testing: Ensuring the Resilience of Your Individual Packaged-Products

When it comes to shipping individually packaged products through a parcel delivery system, ISTA 3A testing is crucial. This comprehensive general simulation test evaluates the ability of your packages to withstand the rigors of transportation, especially when weighing 150 pounds or less. Within ISTA 3A, four distinct package type classifications exist Standard, Small, Flat, and Elongated.

Let’s explore each package type in detail:

  1. STANDARD Packaged-Products:
    Standard packaged products encompass a wide range of packaging materials, including traditional fiberboard cartons, plastic containers, wooden crates, or cylindrical packages. These products do not meet the specific criteria for small, flat, or elongated packaged products. ISTA 3A testing ensures that standard packaged products can withstand the challenges of transportation and arrive intact at their destination.
  2. SMALL Packaged Products:
    Small packaged products are defined by specific size and weight criteria. They have a volume of less than 13,000 cm3 (800 in3), a longest dimension of 350mm (14in) or less, and a weight of 4.5kg (10lb) or less. ISTA 3A testing for small packaged products focuses on their ability to endure the various hazards encountered during shipping, ensuring their safe arrival.
  3. FLAT Packaged Products:
    Flat-packaged products, as the name suggests, have a distinctive shape and structure. They are characterized by the shortest dimension of 200mm (8in) or less, with the next longest dimension being at least four times larger than the shortest dimension. Additionally, the volume of flat packaged products measures 13,000 cm3 (800in3) or greater. ISTA 3A testing rigorously evaluates the durability of flat packaged products, considering their unique geometry and potential vulnerabilities during transportation.
  4. ELONGATED Packaged Products:
    Elongated packaged products possess a long, slender shape. They are identified by having the longest dimension of 900mm (36in) or greater, while both of the package’s other dimensions are each 20 percent or less of the longest dimension. ISTA 3A testing specifically focuses on the challenges faced by elongated packaged products during shipping, ensuring their resilience against hazards and maintaining the integrity of the package contents.

ISTA 3A testing requires that a specific test sequence be followed to achieve certification for each package type. The tables below outline the ISTA 3A testing required for package certification.

3A – STANDARD, ELONGATED & FLAT Packaged-Product Test Sequence

Test TypeFor ISTA
1Atmospheric PreconditioningLaboratory ambient temperature and humidityRequired
2Atmospheric PreconditioningControlled Temperature and Humidity in an environmental chamberOptional
3ShockPackage Drop Test 9 Drops – height varies with packaged-product weightRequired
4VibrationRandom Vibration with & without Top LoadRequired
5VibrationRandom Vibration under a vacuumOptional
6ShockPackage Drop Test 8 Drops – height varies with packaged-product weight. Includes drop on hazardRequired
7ShockRotational Edge Drop 200 mm (8 in)Required for FLAT & ELONGATED
8ShockFull Rotational Flat Drop Varies with package dimensionsRequired for FLAT & ELONGATED
9Concentrated ImpactHazard Box dropped 400 mm (16 in)Required for FLAT Only
10Bridge ImpactHazard Box dropped 400 mm (16 in)Required for ELONGATED Only
11Integrity Leak Test8 HoursRequired for LIQUIDS Only

3A – SMALL Packaged-Product Test Sequence

SequenceTest CategoryTest TypeFor ISTA Certification
1Atmospheric PreconditioningLaboratory ambient temperature and humidityRequired
2Atmospheric ConditioningControlled Temperature and Humidity in an environmental chamberOptional
3ShockPackage Drop Test (not in a bag) 9 Drops – Height varies with packaged-product weightRequired
4VibrationRandom Vibration with & without Top LoadRequired
5VibrationRandom Vibration under a vacuumOptional
6ShockPackage Drop Test (in a bag) 7 Drops – height varies with package-product weightRequired
7Integrity Leak Test8 HoursRequired for LIQUIDS Only

ISTA 3B: Safeguarding Your Packages in Less-Than-Truckload (LTL) Shipments

When it comes to packaged products transported through Less-Than-Truckload (LTL) shipments, ISTA 3B package testing plays a vital role. LTL shipments involve motor carriers (trucks) delivering various types of packaged products from different shippers, all destined for different ultimate destinations, but mixed together in the same load. This presents unique challenges that ISTA 3B testing addresses.

Within ISTA 3B, four distinct package type designations exist, each requiring specific testing protocols:

  1. STANDARD Packaged-Products (200 lb. or less):
    This ISTA 3B category includes standard packaged products weighing 200 lb. (91 kg) or less. It encompasses a variety of packages, including elongated and flat packages.
  2. STANDARD Packaged-Products (over 200 lb.):
    Similar to the previous designation, this ISTA 3B category covers standard packaged products weighing over 200 lb. (91 kg). It includes elongated and flat packages, which require robust testing to withstand the challenges encountered in LTL shipments.
  3. CYLINDRICAL Packaged-Products:
    This ISTA 3B category focuses specifically on cylindrical packaged products, including elongated cylinders.
  4. PALLETIZED or SKIDDED Packaged Products:
    Palletized or skidded packaged products refer to individual containers, bulk containers, or unitized loads that incorporate a base allowing entry for fork trucks.

To achieve ISTA 3B certification for each package type, a specific test sequence must be followed. The tables below outline the required test sequence for ISTA 3B certification, ensuring that your packaged products meet the highest standards of durability and can withstand the rigors of LTL shipments.

3B – STANDARD 200lb or less Test Sequence

SequenceTest CategoryTest TypeFor ISTA Certification
1Atmospheric PreconditioningLaboratory ambient temperature and humidityRequired
2Atmospheric ConditioningControlled Temperature and Humidity in an environmental chamberOptional
3ShockTip/Tip Over using a 22 degree tip angleRequired for packages ≥ 48 in (1.2m) tall and ≥100lb (45kg) weight and any base dimension < ½ the height, or for packages ≥ 30 in (760 mm) tall and with a center of gravity vertical location >½ the package height
4ShockFree Fall Drop Test 6 Drops – height varies with packaged-product weightRequired
5Vertical VibrationRandom Vibration with Top LoadRequired
6ShockConcentrated ImpactRequired only for Non-Rigid Containers
7ShockFree Fall Drop Test 6 Drops – height varies with packaged-product weightRequired
8Shock1 Full Rotational DropRequired only for Elongated packages
9Bridged ImpactHazard Box dropped 410 mm (16 in)Required only for Elongated packages
10Shock2 Full Rotational DropsRequired only for Flat packages
11Concentrated Edge ImpactHazard Box dropped 410 mm (16 in)Required only for Flat packages

3B – STANDARD Over 200 lb. Test Sequence

SequenceTest CategoryTest TypeFor ISTA
1Atmospheric PreconditioningLaboratory ambient temperature and humidityRequired
2Atmospheric ConditioningControlled Temperature and Humidity in an environmental chamberOptional
3ShockTip/Tip Over using a 22 degree tip angleRequired for packages ≥ 48 in (1.2m) tall and ≥100lb (45kg) weight and any base dimension < ½ the height, or for packages ≥ 30 in (760 mm) tall and with a center of gravity vertical location >½ the package height
4ShockRotational Edge and Corner Drops, 9 in (230 mm)Required
5ShockPackage Drop Test (3 in) or Inclined or Horizontal Impact (48 in/sec)Required
6Vertical VibrationRandom Vibration with Top LoadRequired
7ShockConcentrated ImpactRequired only for Non-Rigid Containers
8ShockRotational Edge and Corner Drops, 9 in (230 mm)Required
9ShockPackage Drop Test (3 in) or
Inclined or Horizontal Impact (48 in/sec)
10Shock1 Full Rotational DropRequired only for Elongated packages
11Bridged ImpactHazard Box dropped 410 mm (16 in)Required only for Elongated packages
12Shock2 Full Rotational DropsRequired only for Flat packages
13Concentrated Edge ImpactHazard Box dropped 410 mm (16 in)Required only for Flat packages

3B – CYLINDRICAL Test Sequence

SequenceTest CategoryTest TypeFor ISTA
1Atmospheric PreconditioningLaboratory ambient temperature and humidityRequired
2Atmospheric ConditioningControlled Temperature and Humidity in an environmental chamberOptional
3ShockFree Fall Drop Test 6 Drops – height varies with packaged-product weightRequired
4Vertical VibrationRandom Vibration with & without Top LoadRequired
5ShockFree Fall Drop Test 5 Drops – height varies with packaged-product weightRequired
6ShockDrop on Hazard 1 Drop – height varies with packaged-product weightRequired
7Shock1 Full Rotational DropRequired only for Elongated cylinders
8Bridged Impact Hazard Box dropped 410 mm (16 in)Required only for Elongated cylinders


SequenceTest CategoryTest TypeFor ISTA
1Atmospheric PreconditioningLaboratory ambient temperature and humidityRequired
2Atmospheric ConditioningControlled Temperature and Humidity in an environmental chamberOptional
3ShockTip/Tip Over using 22 degree tip angleRequired for palletized or skidded loads ≥ 30 in (760 mm) tall and with a center of gravity vertical height > the smallest base dimension
4ShockRotational Edge and Corner Drops, height varies with packaged-product weightRequired
5ShockPackage Drop Test (3 in) or Inclined or Horizontal Impacts (48 in/sec)Required
6Vertical VibrationRandom Vibration with Top LoadRequired
7ShockConcentrated ImpactRequired only for Non-Rigid Containers
8ShockForklift Handling Flat Push and Rotate TestsRequired
9ShockForklift Handling Flat Push and Rotate TestsRequired
10ShockForklift Handling Elevated Rotate TestsRequired
11ShockForklift Handling Load Stability Test over a handling courseRequired
12ShockRotational Edge and Corner Drops, height varies with packaged-product weightRequired
13ShockPackage Drop Test (3 in) or Inclined or Horizontal Impacts (48 in/sec)Required

Investing in the Future: Exploring Package Innovation through ISTA 3A Testing

DES is a leading provider of comprehensive package testing services to a wide range of industries, including medical devices, electronics, automotive, and aerospace. With our state-of-the-art, environmentally controlled, and accredited laboratory, we offer reliable and accurate testing that adheres to the stringent standards set by the International Safe Transit Association (ISTA) including ISTA 3A and ISTA 3B standards.

By choosing DES for all of y our ISTA package testing needs (including ISTA 3A and ISTA 3B) you gain access to:

  1. Expertise Across Industries: We have extensive experience working with diverse industries, enabling us to tailor our testing approaches to meet your specific requirements and regulatory standards.
  2. Comprehensive Testing Solutions: Our range of package testing services covers a wide array of tests and simulations, including ISTA protocols, to assess the resilience of your packages against various transportation hazards.
  3. Rigorous Compliance: Our laboratory strictly adheres to ISTA packaging standards, ensuring that your products are tested in accordance with the industry’s best practices and guidelines.
  4. Accurate and Reliable Results: We employ cutting-edge equipment and employ robust testing methodologies to provide precise and trustworthy results. You can have confidence in the accuracy of our testing and make informed decisions based on the outcomes.

Contact DES today to discuss your package testing requirements and leverage our expertise to ensure the integrity and reliability of your products.

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Package Testing and ISTA 2 and ISTA 2A Standards

ista series 2 package testing

ISTA 2 Series Package Testing Explained

ISTA 2 Series package testing procedures, including ISTA 2A, are designed as Partial Simulation Performance Tests to assess the ability of packages and products to withstand various transport hazards. These package testing procedures (2A, 2B, and 2C) combine elements from the ISTA 1 Series and ISTA 3 Series to evaluate the packaging’s resilience. Manufacturers and distributors can use ISTA 2 package testing to identify weaknesses in their packaging and product designs, leading to improvements that ensure products arrive in good condition. The primary goal of the ISTA Series 2 package testing standards is to minimize shipping issues and product damage during transportation, making it suitable for evaluating packaged products intended for domestic and international shipping.

Benefits of ISTA Series 2 Package Testing Standards

  • Durability Testing: These tests assess the durability of packaged products intended for both domestic and international distribution, ensuring they can withstand the rigors of transportation.
  • Performance Evaluation: ISTA 2 tests evaluate the performance of packaged products under simulated transportation conditions.
  • Comparison of Design Alternatives: These tests allow for a comparison of various package and product design alternatives to determine the most effective options.
  • Assurance of Product Protection: By testing products with ISTA 2 procedures, you can have confidence that your products will arrive at their destination without harm.
  • Time and Cost Efficiency: ISTA 2 tests can help shorten package development time and provide confidence before launching products.
  • Packaging Optimization: These tests assist in optimizing packaging materials to enhance protection and reduce costs.

The ISTA 2 series tests comprise the following procedures:

  • ISTA 2A, Packaged-Products weighing 150 lb. (68 kg) or Less
  • ISTA 2B, Packaged-Products weighing over 150 lb. (68 kg)
  • ISTA 2C, Furniture Packages

ISTA 2A Package Testing

ISTA 2A focuses on testing individual packaged products weighing 150 pounds or less. The table below outlines the test sequence required for ISTA 2A certification.  This package testing evaluates the product and its packaging’s ability to withstand transport hazards. By running various tests such as atmospheric preconditioning, compression testing, vibration, and shock testing, the ISTA 2A certification ensures that the packaging can protect the products during transportation and prevent damage.

SequenceTest CategoryTest TypeFor ISTA Certification
1Atmospheric PreconditioningLaboratory ambient temperature and humidityRequired
2Atmospheric ConditioningControlled Temperature and Humidity in an environmental chamberRequired
3Compression Testing (Alternative methods allowed-select one test type)Compression Tester, apply and release Compression Tester, apply and hold Weight and Load SpreaderRequired
4Vibration (alternative methods allowed-select one test type)Fixed Displacement or Random VibrationRequired
5Shock (alternative methods allowed-select one test type)Package Drop Test or Inclined Impact or Horizontal ImpactRequired
6Vibration (alternative methods allowed-select one test type)Fixed Displacement or Random VibrationRequired

ISTA 2A Test Procedure

ISTA 2B Package Testing

ISTA 2B is designed for individually packaged products weighing over 150 pounds. The table below outlines the test sequence required for ISTA 2B certification. It focuses on assessing the product’s ability to withstand transport hazards and ensure its safe delivery. The ISTA 2B test includes tests such as atmospheric preconditioning, atmospheric conditioning, compression testing, vibration, shock testing, and rotational edge drop testing. By undergoing the ISTA 2B certification, manufacturers can gain confidence in the durability of their packaged products and reduce the risk of damage during transportation.

SequenceTest CategoryTest TypeFor ISTA Certification
1Atmospheric PreconditioningLaboratory ambient temperature and humidityRequired
2Atmospheric ConditioningControlled Temperature and Humidity in an environmental chamberRequired
3Compression Testing (Alternative methods allowed-select one test type)Compression Tester, apply and release Compression Tester, apply and hold Weight and Load SpreaderRequired
4Vibration (alternative methods allowed-select one test type)Fixed Displacement or Random VibrationRequired
5Shock (alternative methods allowed-select one test type)Package Drop Test (6 in) or Inclined Impact (69 in/sec) or Horizontal Impact (69 in/sec)Required
6ShockRotational Edge Drop (8 in)Required when not testing face 1
7Vibration (alternative methods allowed-select one test type)Fixed Displacement or Random VibrationRequired

ISTA 2B Test Procedure

ISTA 2C Package Testing

ISTA 2C focuses on testing individual packaged furniture products, specifically Case Goods. Case Goods include items such as storage chests, dressers, bookshelves, desks, wardrobes, console units, lockers, display units, and cabinets. The table below outlines the test sequence required for ISTA 2C certification.

SequenceTest CategoryTest TypeFor ISTA Certification
1Atmospheric PreconditioningLaboratory ambient temperature and humidityRequired
2Atmospheric ConditioningControlled Temperature and Humidity in an environmental chamberOptional
3VibrationRandom Vibration Under Dynamic LoadRequired
4Shock (alternative methods allowed-select one test type)Package Drop Test or Inclined Impact or Horizontal ImpactRequired

ISTA 2C Test Procedure

ISTA Packaging Standards: Enhancing Product Protection

ISTA packaging standards encompass a wide range of tests and assessments that replicate the real-world conditions encountered during shipping. These standards consider factors such as vibration, shock, compression, atmospheric conditions, and more.

DES provides package testing services to various industries, including medical devices, electronics, automotive, and aerospace. Our environmentally controlled, accredited laboratory ensures reliable and accurate testing and complies with ISTA packaging standards. If you have any questions or need expert assistance, please feel free to contact us.

Package Testing: Ensuring Product Integrity Throughout Transportation

In conclusion, package testing plays a critical role in safeguarding product integrity during transportation. By subjecting packages to rigorous tests that simulate real-world shipping conditions, manufacturers and distributors can identify weaknesses in their packaging designs and make necessary improvements. ISTA 2A, 2B, and 2C procedures are specifically designed to evaluate the ability of packages and products to withstand various transport hazards.

Don’t leave the transportation of your valuable products to chance. Contact DES today to discuss your package testing requirements and ensure the integrity of your products throughout the transportation process.

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The Importance of ISTA Testing for Global Product Shipping

ista testing standards

In today’s globalized world, products are shipped across continents, facing numerous challenges during transportation. From rough handling to extreme temperature fluctuations and vibration, packages must endure a multitude of hazards to ensure that the products inside reach their destinations in good condition. This is where the International Safe Transit Association (ISTA) package testing standards come in. These comprehensive and rigorous ISTA testing procedures have been developed to help manufacturers and distributors evaluate the performance and durability of their packaging and products during transportation, minimizing potential damage and ensuring a positive customer experience.

Benefits of Adhering to ISTA Packaging Standards

ISTA packaging standards encompass a wide range of procedures, each designed to assess various aspects of packaging performance under different conditions. These standards provide numerous benefits to businesses, consumers, and the environment. By adhering to ISTA testing standards for packages, manufacturers and distributors can:

  1. Enhance customer satisfaction: When products arrive in good condition, customers are more likely to be satisfied with their purchase, increasing the likelihood of repeat business and positive reviews.
  2. Reduce product damage and returns: Properly tested packaging helps to prevent product damage during transit, reducing the need for returns, replacements, and refunds. This, in turn, can lower operational costs and improve a company’s bottom line.
  3. Minimize environmental impact: By ensuring that packaging materials can withstand transportation hazards, companies can reduce waste generated from damaged products and discarded packaging. They can also test various package designs to optimize the amount of materials required.  This contributes to a more sustainable supply chain and a reduced carbon footprint.
  4. Improve supply chain efficiency: ISTA testing standards for packages enable businesses to identify weaknesses in their packaging and make necessary improvements. This leads to a more efficient supply chain, with fewer delays and disruptions caused by damaged products.
  5. Facilitate global trade: ISTA testing standards for packages are recognized and accepted worldwide, ensuring that products can be shipped safely and securely across international borders. This promotes global trade and helps companies to access new markets.
  6. Streamline regulatory compliance: Adhering to ISTA testing standards for packages can help businesses meet national and international packaging regulations and requirements. This simplifies regulatory compliance and reduces the risk of penalties and fines.
  7. Foster innovation: ISTA testing standards for packages encourage manufacturers to develop new and innovative packaging materials and designs that can better withstand transportation hazards. This promotes technological advancements and drives the packaging industry forward.

Different Types of ISTA Tests: A Comprehensive Overview

ISTA has organized its test procedures into several series, each with unique characteristics and purposes. These series of ISTA packaging testing standards include:

Series 1 Tests:  ISTA 1 Series tests are package integrity performance tests not meant to simulate environmental occurrences.  They are simple and inexpensive screening tests used to evaluate whether problems in shipment or product damage will occur.  ISTA Series 1 tests are useful to compare the performance of various package designs.  The ISTA Series 1 is divided into the following procedures:

  • ISTA 1A, Integrity Testing for Packaged-Products weighing 150 lb. (68 kg) or Less
  • ISTA 1B, Integrity Testing Packaged-Products weighing Over 150 lb. (68 kg)
  • ISTA 1C, Extended Integrity Testing for Individual Packaged-Products weighing 150 lb. (68 kg) or Less
  • ISTA 1D, Extended Integrity Testing for Individual Packaged-Products weighing Over 150 lb. (68 kg)
  • ISTA 1E, Integrity Testing for Unitized Loads
  • ISTA 1G, Packaged-Products weighing 150 lb. (68 kg) or Less utilizing Random Vibration
  • ISTA 1H, Integrity Testing for Packaged-Products weighing Over 150 lb. (68 kg) utilizing Random Vibration

Series 2 Tests:  ISTA 2 Series are partial simulation performance tests.  They are designed to evaluate the durability of product packaging and should be considered for international distribution.  The ISTA Series 2 is divided into the following procedures:

  • ISTA 2A, Packaged-Products weighing 150 lb. (68 kg) or Less
  • ISTA 2B, Packaged-Products weighing over 150 lb. (68 kg)
  • ISTA 2C, Furniture Packages

Series 3 Tests:  ISTA 3 Series are general simulation performance tests.  They are designed to evaluate the capability of the package and product to withstand transport hazards.  They simulate a variety of vehicle types, routes, and number of handling exposures.  The ISTA Series 3 is divided into the following procedures:

  • ISTA 3A, Parcel Delivery System Shipments 150 lb. (70kg) or Less
  • ISTA 3B, Less-Than-Truckload (LTL) Shipment
  • ISTA 3E, Similar Packaged-Products in Unitized Loads for Truckload Shipment
  • ISTA 3F, Distribution Center to Retail Outlet Shipment 100 lb. (45 kg) or Less
  • ISTA 3H, Mechanically Handled Bulk Transport Containers
  • ISTA 3K, Fast Moving Consumer Goods for the European Retail Supply Chain
  • ISTA 3L, Generalized E-commerce Retailer Fulfillment

Series 4 Test:  ISTA 4AB is the only protocol in this series.  It is a web-based software that generates enhanced simulation test plans. 

Series 5 is not an active series.

Series 6 Tests:  ISTA 6 series are member performance tests created to meet the specific shipping requirements of certain Global 500 Retailers or Carriers.  The ISTA Series 6 tests are divided into the following procedures:

  • 6-FEDEX-A, FedEx Procedures for Testing Packaged Products Weighing Up to 150 lb.
  • 6-FEDEX-B, FedEx Procedures for Testing Packaged Products Weighing Over 150 lb.
  • Project 6-AMAZON.COM-SIOC, Ships in Own Container (SIOC) for Distribution System Shipment
  • Project 6-AMAZON.COM-Over Boxing, e-Commerce Fulfillment for Parcel Delivery Shipment
  • Project 6-SAMSCLUB, Packaged-Products for Sam’s Club® Distribution System Shipment

Series 7 Tests:  ISTA 7 series are development protocols.  They can be used to compare the relative performance of various container designs but are not meant to evaluate the protection provided by packaged products. 

  • ISTA 7D, Temperature Test for Transport Packaging
  • ISTA 7E, Testing Standard for Thermal Transport Packaging Used in Parcel Delivery System Shipment


ISTA testing standards for packages play a vital role in ensuring the safe and efficient transportation of goods around the world.  By evaluating the performance and durability of packaging materials under various conditions, these standards help manufacturers and distributors to improve customer satisfaction, reduce product damage, minimize environmental impact, and streamline their supply chains.  As global trade continues to expand, the importance of adhering to these standards will only grow, benefiting businesses, consumers, and the planet as a whole.

DES ISTA Testing Lab for Optimal Results

DES performs ISTA testing for the medical device, electronic, automotive, and aerospace industries within their environmentally controlled, accredited laboratory.  We can help ensure that your package design will protect your product from damage during the transportation and distribution process.  DES is unique because we can help you with BOTH package testing evaluations and product reliability testing thanks to our top-notch testing services. 

Choose Delserro Engineering Solutions for Your ISTA Testing Needs

In summary, ISTA testing plays a crucial role in ensuring the safe and efficient transportation of products across the globe. By partnering with Delserro Engineering Solutions, you can be confident that your packaging will meet industry standards and protect your products during shipping. Our commitment to quality, accuracy, and fast turnaround times makes us an ideal choice for your ISTA testing needs. Contact us today to learn more about our services and how we can help you improve your packaging and product reliability.

DES has top-of-the-line package test equipment from leading manufacturers.  We are committed to quality, accuracy, thoroughness, and a fast turnaround.  Please contact a professional if you have any questions.

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ISTA Series 1 Package Testing Standards

ista series 1 testing

ISTA 1 tests are Non-Simulation Integrity Performance Tests meant to evaluate the strength and robustness of the product and package combination.  Each of the ISTA 1 test procedures (1A, 1B, 1C, 1D, 1E, 1G, and 1H) include a combination of tests to assess the ability of packaging to withstand different transportation hazards. These tests help manufacturers and distributors identify weaknesses in their packaging and product designs, and ultimately make improvements to ensure products arrive at their destinations in good condition. All ISTA 1 tests share the common goal of minimizing potential shipping issues and product damage during transportation.

What are the benefits of ISTA Series 1 Package Tests?  They can:

  • Evaluate the durability of individually packaged products
  • Compare the performance of various package and product design alternatives
  • Test that your products will arrive unharmed at their destination
  • Provide a cost-effective screening test to evaluate potential shipping issues or product damage
  • Shorten package development time and gain confidence before launching products

The ISTA 1 tests are divided into the following procedures:

  • ISTA 1A, Integrity Testing for Packaged-Products weighing 150 lb. (68 kg) or Less
  • ISTA 1B, Integrity Testing Packaged-Products weighing Over 150 lb. (68 kg)
  • ISTA 1C, Extended Integrity Testing for Individual Packaged-Products weighing 150 lb. (68 kg) or Less
  • ISTA 1D, Extended Integrity Testing for Individual Packaged-Products weighing Over 150 lb. (68 kg)
  • ISTA 1E, Integrity Testing for Unitized Loads
  • ISTA 1G, Packaged-Products weighing 150 lb. (68 kg) or Less utilizing Random Vibration
  • ISTA 1H, Integrity Testing for Packaged-Products weighing Over 150 lb. (68 kg) utilizing Random Vibration

ISTA 1A to ISTA 1E: Packaging Up to 150 Pounds and above (1B, 1D, 1E)

ISTA 1A Package Testing

ISTA 1A is a package test procedure for individually packaged products weighing up to 150 pounds. The table below provides the test sequence required for ISTA 1A.  ISTA 1A is the same as ISTA 1G except for the vibration.  ISTA 1A uses fixed displacement vibration while ISTA 1G specifies random vibration.

SequenceTest CategoryTest TypeFor ISTA Certification
1Atmospheric PreconditioningLaboratory ambient temperature and humidityRequired
2VibrationFixed DisplacementRequired
3Shock (alternative methods allowed-select one test type)Package Drop Test or Inclined Impact or Horizontal ImpactRequired

ISTA 1B Package Testing

ISTA 1B is a protocol for individually packaged products weighing more than 150 pounds. ISTA 1B is the same as ISTA 1H except that ISTA 1B specifies fixed displacement vibration whereas 1H uses random vibration. The table below provides the test sequence required for ISTA 1B. 

SequenceTest CategoryTest TypeFor ISTA Certification
1Atmospheric PreconditioningLaboratory ambient temperature and humidityRequired
2VibrationFixed DisplacementRequired
3Shock (alternative methods allowed-select one test type)Package Drop Test (6 in) or Inclined Impact (69 in/sec) or Horizontal Impact (69 in/sec)Required
4ShockRotational Edge Drop (8 in)Required when not testing face 1

ISTA 1C Package Testing

ISTA 1C is an extended package test procedure designed for individually packaged products weighing 150 pounds or less.  ISTA 1C adds compression testing vs. 1A or 1G and gives alternative choices for vibration.  The test sequence is listed below.

product compression testing
SequenceTest CategoryTest TypeFor ISTA Certification
1Atmospheric PreconditioningLaboratory ambient temperature and humidityRequired
2Compression Testing (alternative methods allowed-select one test type)Compression Tester, apply and release Compression Tester, apply and hold Weight and Load SpreaderRequired
3Vibration (alternative methods allowed-select one test type)Fixed Displacement or Random VibrationRequired
4Shock (alternative methods allowed-select one test type)Package Drop Test or Inclined Impact or Horizontal ImpactRequired

ISTA 1D Package Testing

ISTA 1D is an extended test protocol for individually packaged products weighing more than 150 pounds.  ISTA 1D is the same as 1B or 1H with the addition of compression testing and alternative choices for vibration.  The test sequence is shown below. 

SequenceTest CategoryTest TypeFor ISTA Certification
1Atmospheric PreconditioningLaboratory ambient temperature and humidityRequired
2Compression Testing (alternative methods allowed-select one test type)Compression Tester, apply and release Compression Tester, apply and hold Weight and Load SpreaderRequired
3Vibration (alternative methods allowed-select one test type)Fixed Displacement or Random VibrationRequired
4Shock (alternative methods allowed-select one test type)Package Drop Test (6 in) or Inclined Impact (69 in/sec) or Horizontal Impact (69 in/sec)Required
5ShockRotational Edge Drop (8 in)Required when not testing face 1

ISTA 1E Package Testing

ISTA 1E is for testing unitized (palletized) loads made up of either single or multiple products or packages of the same products.  The test sequence is shown below. 

SequenceTest CategoryTest TypeFor ISTA Certification
1Atmospheric PreconditioningLaboratory ambient temperature and humidityRequired
2Vibration (alternative methods allowed-select one test type)Fixed Displacement or Random VibrationRequired
3Shock (alternative methods allowed-select one test type)Inclined Impact (69 in/sec) or Horizontal Impact (69 in/sec)Required
4ShockRotational Edge Drop (8 in)Required

Vibration and Shock Testing for Packages Up to 150 lb (ISTA 1G) & above (ISTA 1H)

ISTA 1G Package Testing

ISTA 1G is a package test procedure applicable to individually packaged products weighing 150 pounds or less.  Like ISTA 1A, it evaluates the strength and robustness of the product and package combination without simulating actual environmental conditions.  The primary difference between ISTA 1A and ISTA 1G is the vibration testing, with ISTA 1A using fixed displacement vibration and ISTA 1G specifying random vibration.

SequenceTest CategoryTest TypeFor ISTA Certification
1Atmospheric PreconditioningLaboratory ambient temperature and humidityRequired
2VibrationRandom VibrationRequired
3Shock (alternative methods allowed-select one test type)Package Drop Test or Inclined Impact or Horizontal ImpactRequired

ISTA 1H Package Testing

ISTA 1H is a protocol for individually packaged products weighing more than 150 pounds. ISTA 1H is the same as ISTA 1B with the exception that ISTA 1H specifies random vibration. The test sequence is listed below. 

SequenceTest CategoryTest TypeFor ISTA Certification
1Atmospheric PreconditioningLaboratory ambient temperature and humidityRequired
2VibrationRandom VibrationRequired
3Shock (alternative methods allowed-select one test type)Package Drop Test (6 in) or Inclined Impact (69 in/sec) or Horizontal Impact (69 in/sec)Required
4ShockRotational Edge Drop (8 in)Required when not testing face 1

ISTA 1 Series: Comprehensive Testing for Optimal Product Shipping and Delivery

ISTA package testing standards play a pivotal role in ensuring that products arrive in optimal condition at their destinations. These tests help manufacturers and distributors evaluate the durability and performance of their packaging and compare different packaging and product design alternatives. To ensure their products meet these standards, companies can rely on professional package testing services from accredited laboratories, delivering a safe and satisfying experience. 

DES provides package testing services to the medical device, electronic, automotive, and aerospace industries within their environmentally controlled, accredited laboratory.  Please contact an expert if you have any questions.

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